Sunday, April 14, 2013

Song that want to share... Love that can't be described.

Have been 2 months together with Mr.B. Sometimes just feel like time had passed so fast and i didn't manage to do anything. Thank you for the Happiness that given by him. Although we can't really spend time, but it's okay as long as we can arrange our time properly.
Want to tell him that i am really sorry for sometimes when i am moody, too emotional or a little hot-temper and talk with him a wrong way, so sorry about that.

Friday, April 5, 2013

something about Johor (march school holiday)

short post for about Johor when the previous school holiday. Hmm posted it after 1 week of the school holiday. didn't take many picture there as there don't really have nice view instead of palm tress or forest. 

the aim of going to Johor is just to visit daddy cause daddy works there, he come back to K.L every fortnight      and stay and here for about 4days 3 night and he has to drive back to Johor as well. This time the 2nd time we follow him back to Johor. It took about 4 hours to reach Johor but not where daddy stay. It's hard to explain what daddy work as and where he stay. The main thing was, where daddy stay which digi line will be extremely super duper sucks. sometimes can't even get any line. Phone only showing " Emergency call only" wtf ? 

So here some picture while staying at Johor

 The bridge we use to pass if we need to go to the town are :\ hell far man! took like an hour to reach here.

Vain picha about me :)  

 Happy time cause it's time to back to K.L cause Johor got no line for digi and back to K.L I feel so great as i can call and text him all the time.

lastly, self shot before boarding on the bus back to K.L ! Took KKKL bus that day. Just disappointed to their service, shit! bought ticket on 7pm and bus reach on 9pm =-=" guess what time we reach KL? 2am middle of the night. sigh tired like hell on the next day. hope that no next time!

The End for today, School tomorrow! time to sleep! D: OMG bye

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Might post something about Johor when i have a little free time ? :) 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2nd April 2013

Lately "someone" stalk my blog like so often. Stalking me from head to leg. the person may know who isit, RIGHT?!!! 

Holiday just ended like a day ago. Return back to the study mood. No play play for me :( don't wanna fail my Mid-term so i think i shall put some effort on it. Btw i am lazy to study at home so just study and try to concentrate when having classes. Home to me is a place where to sleep and chill not BOOKS hahaha. 

Hope that my effort may get some repay on my next paper :) #LOTSOFLOVE 

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