Thursday, March 28, 2013

Malacca Trip 230313-250313

Tadaaa! since a month i have never been posting anything. the reason of too busy :P 
So now I'll randomly blog about my holiday trip with my super duper "Gay" friends and also the special one followed us to Malacca. 

before starts talking about the trip, just talk about how we planned this trip. hahaha 
actually at the beginning we plan to go Pulau Pangkor. Unfortunately, the hotel rooms are usually full and some of them are too expensive. At last i suggested to go to my home town, Malacca. As Malacca is my home own but i don't really go to the town area because at the town area will always have traffic jam problem. *hate it* 

We planned the trip 1 month before we going. And Kwok yeow will book the room and i will buy the bus tickets. Everyone were so damn excited for the trip and we are proud for our self as we never ask any help from parents. we did it! 

On 23th March 2013.... Everybody woke up early and ready for the trip! Took KKKL VIP bus to Malacca.. 

Cam whore in the bus! haha 3 little idiots XD 

Me(left) , kar hang (middle), kwok yeow (right) 
 #Take 1

 #Take 2

 #Take 3

the sad things is when  we reached the residence we didn't really take any picture. Everyone were sweating like " mother also can't recognize" hahahaha. normally pictures was took buy kar hang the boss. he holding my camera all the way long.

 See what the F*** he doing? too DRY??!!!

 the damn crazy fellows i ever seen! people is a Hero la walao let them make until freaking gross in this picture. what a crazy friends i have XD
 Statue of Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong 颜文龙 , Mr Melaka
 Group picha! without Bryan because he was the camera man that time.

 Gigantic lion head opposite  Statue of Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong 颜文龙

 road along  Statue of Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong 颜文龙

lol speechless :P those vain pic

 HAHAHAHAHA!!! "Kwok Yeow please don't act macho la!" it's not heavy at all

 Shot by : Kar Hang without noticed anything :P

 hahaha guess what? at the beginning i saw this picture i really have no idea what we were looking until i think back only i realized that we all were so interested to the DIY cotton candy at Jonker Street.

 without mentioning anything i beg everyone knows that this is the stage at Jonker Street, right? haha
Truly for the aged uncles and aunties. they will be perform on the stage at night.

 Way back home :) *sweating again like mother also can't recognize! *

 The river is absolutely near to our residence!

 this is Wei Lian :)
 Those vain pic about the bamboo trees lol.

 So we are chilling around at the bridge. the bridge is just in front of our residence .

 have no idea what were they doing at their room. maybe gay-ing around ?

 Shot by don't know who. haha but i like it! :D
only me and le bf sat at the living room.
 Told you right!! sure they will gay-ing around in the room... they can't be peaceful together lol...
--> noticed Kwok yeow hand? wtf ? Pity Kar hang's virginity lose! XD

And some night view of Malacca.

On Saturday night we decided to go to Jonker street because they have never been there before and i went there for twice, this is my second time.. For my advices, i asked them not to bring wallet along because mummy told me that there are a lots of pickpocket. So baby boy and me were just bringing cash , IC, and my instant camera. Digital camera was with Kar hang thtat time.

 In front of Jonker Street!

 It's Kwok Yeow!

 Hard Rock Cafe
 San Shu Gong... can just easily see them when you reach Jonker Street.

 the performers in front of Jonker Street.
HAHAHAHA baby boy was too afraid to watch this because he scares of blood. no cure the gf want to see.
after watching the performers, baby boy said that he will never drink or eat coconut again HAHAHAHA!!!

 in front of Ochado at Jonker Street. #BLUR

The Favourite food for every one! "Ou Jian" 蠔煎 love it love it!!!!!

 Guys can forget anything but no FOOD. walao so many they da bao back to the residence. Monster them! hahaha BTW i ate some also.

 #Epic Kar hang! hahahahahaha

 How I love this picture, do you know? i think this was the 2nd best picture we had took. the No.1 best is with the bf.
the most lame thing was the bf keep telling me that he is so handsome in this picture. hahahaha ya la i know right, his gf is pro on self shooting la please, of course nice la.

 The Durian cendol we had at San Shu Gong. nice but a little too sweet.

Without any expectation, we met Knie! OMG crazy to the max when i saw her :D she is one of my best friend. i know her when we starts tuition since form 4.  Girl from SMK Bukit Jalil. 

 Le Nerd in front of her love <3 nbsp="">

another best thing we had at Malacca. Nadeje cafe.... Millie Crepe!!!
i choose Tiramisu. Is just so so only not really sweet. Kar hang's Original taste good!

really missed those moment at Malacca! this is the very first time that my parents allowed me to go out from the house so far. The moment while waiting for the trip to come is like damn stress and like waiting for 1 day to pass is so hard and now we had went back from the trip. Everyone goes back to their position.
People who need to study means study, people who work means work. Back to the ordinary life.

the main thing is i missed the times spent with my boy. It's was extremely sad to leave him at the Terminal Bus Station, Suck feeling ever. D:

Things to do now is play hard, work hard, study hard... Hope next holiday can meet him again :(

" baby, i just really miss the way you hugged me, hold my hands and so much more... "

The End

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