Thursday, December 20, 2012


 Year End Sale!! Was started now!! Totally can't miss it OMG!! i haven't get anyone piece of clothes, pants or shorts and shoes...and many many many many many more!!!!!

Can't wait for my Precious Cousin sister's wedding on 31 December :D how cool isit? she called me today and tell me that she want a Gangnam style wedding hahhaa NICE !!! and.... she asked me to sing and dance @@" serious? wow gonna be busy after i end up my job. 4 days to go!! yippiiieee! 25 December will be the last day work..
I'm still thinking what to wear on her wedding dinner :O she told me that her theme colour is white, pink and i forgot the other colour ad :P... Maybe white? :)

SO! Friday coming! ... Anyone going to have REUNION dinner? :D is 冬至 ( Dong Zi) ... so that day everyone will having the rice ball as will. My mum said she not going to make it haih.. BUT!! i feel like doing it wor hahaha cause i off on that day.

kinda sad that my dad can't come back for us because of he have to work on that day :( it's okay! take picture for him.

Cherish very moment!!

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