Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Work Time Happiness :)

My Breakfast From Pavilion Food Republic 

I didn't post anything and never online for these 2 days,.. so sad that my internet have a little problem. But it's okay, the internet had recover now :) 

So! Today is Selangor public holiday? Agong's birthday? but for me is still the same, working everyday and boring everyday... hmmmm. Mummy holiday today, so she decide to take LRT with me to KL today. Quite happy also cause everyday i have to take public transport to work by myself. So Lonely :\  

Mummy bought me Breakfast today! Thank you my boss! Ma first meal of the day : Pan Mee Dry  

 Isn't it cute? haha i bought it for the birthday boy, Wei Chuen! he was so damn happy when i gave it to him. Laughing like crazy. Because he thought i will never buy him present =-=" But at the end, i bought him this teddy from Zakka House @Pavilion

 Now is really a Happy Boy!  And he name his teddy : 小丸子 or Dada  XD
 Ignore me :O Wei Chuen took this picture and i steal it from his phone haha
 Ding Ding Ding!!! Finish work!!!!!!!!! Finally 10.30pm
all my staff were chilling around and talking craps :P
 This is Ah xiang, our Bar master haha... i think he will kill me if he saw this picture OMG!
 The Rubbish Man or the Birthday Boy.. Tell you what? He told me before that he felt happy to throw rubbish everyday wth =-=" Problem lo..

 Birthday really " dai sei" ? Sleep? @@

 Guess who is this??

 Took it when we were boarding in the LRT... That's Catherine the C.A.T and Dada

 He's going to be crazy! haha i know he was really happy :)  Happy Birthday!!!

 Me & Catherine the C.A.T !

this few this was really hard to pass without internet. hope that TM will never give my problemsss again :(

sometime really feel like give up my job. So tiring + Boring. but think about $$ so i stand for it ><" 2 more weeks to go!! Gambateh!!

Stay Tune for the Langkawi Trip Post! maybe i'll making it 2 post.. too many pictures

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