Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last Saturday in 2012

So today is the last Saturday in 2012! Did something special? hmmm i just hang out to Sunway with ma lovely family :) 

So dessert here! guess what is this?... (haha i know it messed up and i ate it half already only i took the picture) 
The 许留山, Golden Pinky Sweetie Balls. It's my favorite! the point is i just like the strawberry ice-blended and mixed with mango ice-blended! 
Of cause, their signature there are the MANGOES! :P 

These were what we ate today.. @@" it costed us Rm56.05. Kinda okay also ( point is daddy paid it muahahaha) 

I think everyone might know what is this, right? Who's Favorite? The Chocolate Cream Chip lover, V.E.N.I.C.E! the worker there wrote it on the cup and they spelled it correctly :D 

Bill Please! 

After we finished our walk at Sunway, we have a small reunion dinner before my precious sister wedding helding tomorrow :) 
Le bro wore my Denim cap while i'm having my dinner. 

How sweet isit? aunt that came back from Sabah brought this for us! OMG i;m a super coffee lover! :D Latteee BOOOOOMMM! :D 

so boring! :\ waiting time to pass.. parents were chit chatting with the relatives. 

So that's my OOTD.. Simple. 
Black Basic from Giordano.. Shirt jeans.. Red converse.. Denim cap from Vinnci... gold digital Casio. 

at last, this will be my coordinate for tomorrow wedding ! Stay Tuned! 

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