Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The wedding lunch (301212)

Okay .. i delayed the post. It should be post on 30 December 2012.
so this is OOTD
Everything in a plain color. white, beige, gold.

the main character that day were the Bride and Bridegroom
the Hugo :)

i guess everyone will like HUH?... cause we were not having wedding dinner but was wedding lunch. this was the first time i attend a wedding lunch. Is just same actually, is just that we have to wake early and get prepared early too.

Le mum and dad

The look of the day.

i think they really prepare everything so good! they gave us a pair of chopstick that they specially made just for their wedding and the red "囍" chinese word also. the small box of chocolate was given by the restaurant.

And never forget about this! they give it to all the people who attend to their wedding :) how sweet are they?
haha my brother though that the gold medal was real, so LOL! i told him : " don't sha la, if real 1, people still not run out to take ad meh, still wait you ?" hahaha

And the sticky too! they also specially made it just for the wedding and gave it to everyone :)

Me holding the "gold medal" haha

she is my cousin sister

Le mummy and me! do we look alike? we have the chubby face ! :D

picture with the bridegroom's hugo XD

My ah gu :) the Bride's mum

He is my cousin brother and he will be the future doctor! haha

The family picture :)

OMG how sweet!!!!!!!!!! :O super admire man! Big screen, everyone looking :D

And here are the picture when serving the tea to the eldest
My dad and mum ahahahaha

She's peacing! :D


My turn to serve the tea to my Cousin sister 表姐 and cousin sister's husband.. i don't know call what in english :P 表姐夫

OMG ! @@"

haha that's the end.
Anyway Happy Wedding for May and Terrance of cause! from sweet couple until sweet husband and wife! :)

Never Forget too! Happy New Year everyone! :) It's 2013... Did you coutdown?
i just went yam cha with the cousin sister and her husband with the family. not really countdown actually.
But anyway, it's 2013 and i'm gonna form 5, having SPM this year! OMG can't accept that i'm form 5.
Form 3 until Form 4 were a Honeymoon for me :O

Work hard! Get good result and Freedom comes! :)

Good Night everyone! Happy New Year and Happy Holiday too

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