Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 what to do?

about 4 -5 days didn't blog anything. Really tired and don't have time to blog at all :( 
since the days school reopen, my daily routine are change! even my sleep time too, what a mess hmmmmm... 
now i really don't have time to shop and relax, my time were packed with school and tuition centre. if i really have time also go home and lay down on my cozy bed. 

Daily Routine >> wake up- breakfast - school - lunch- tuition-dinner- maybe some homework- sleep. 
this repeats everyday, what a life my god :( 
i am pretty lucky that i have time today to blog, cause i don't have homework for today :) 

So, might share my 2013 resolution! i think i shall really be serious on this matter! ... i had read a lot of other's blogger 2013 resolution, people like Chuckei and Jessica Chaw. Kinda good resolution they have :D

1. Save Money
- the aim i save this money not just to buy clothes or accessories, is to get a new phone of cause! seem daddy don't buy a new 1 for me and don't let me touch my saving account's money, so i decide to save money for a phone.

2. Study well
- this is the last year i will wearing uniform to school and i am form 5 now, which mean gonna face SPM very soon. so shall be serious on study ad, not much honeymoon and playing.

3. try to sleep earlier
- from the day i went to secondary, i started to sleep late. This year i shall change this bad habit so i won't feel sleepy in the class.

4. stay happy
- because so matter that occurs last year, i wish this year will better. i don't even want to care about the pass any more.

5. have more time with the beloved ones
- feel like so sorry that i didn't really stay at home and always hang out last time. this year will cut down. try to have more times with the family. :)

6. Never forget the promise
- i think this i will keep as a secret for myself. haha

so these are my 2013 resolution! not hard to do it but must be perseverance. Or else it's just a something that post for fun.

Gonna sleep soon.
Good Nights!

Stay Tuned for the next post.

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