Friday, July 16, 2010

我真的已经很辛苦了...i am really suffer now....

Today opening duno wat to say, so juz write....

Duno wat to say, duno wat to write... Bt think to update smt on my blog. Tis few day wat had i wrote oso kindna sad. Bt in front fren still can act lik ntg, i think i am MAD adi!!

Wake up vry early today cos wanna go to panda hse. Reached her hse, she haven wake. lolx...

11 smt go skul thn take taxi go carefour vf boh chu n panda. Go thr to brough preasent for my fren birthday party n boh chu go brough her mother birthday preasent too. Walk a long time, think to buy a bear bear bt at last oso nvr brough the bear....

12.45 reach Ajimal. Go thr eat things, hungry n tasty!!! Never saw him so dun care liao lo, thn eat vf panda. At the beginning, we 2 thought they broke they promise so vry beh song. Bt they nvr broke they promise oso. Aclty they 2.. 1 go of when 12.30 n another 1 leh is see wrong time adi, panda said 12.30 bt he saw until 11.30...-_-'''

I never angry la... really never angry oso. Juz never saw him when me at Ajimal!! Me wont be angry abt tis kind of small thing lo... Dear, why u so scare me angry u de??? I told u before adi ma... to u i wont so easy angry.
Today cry.... i oso duno why wan cry lo??? Hug my bag thn tears came out, i dun think to cry bt my feel n my heart let me dun to. So sad... i oso duno wat happen to me tis few days?? Quite moody bt still looks lik normal. WAT HAPPEN TO ME???? Who can tell me how??? Wat can i do now???

She duno say wat... i never listen whn i hugging my bag. Whn i raise up my heard, she ask me the 1st thing is...
She:" wat happen to you?"
Me:" nothing, juz vry tired abt it."
She:" you vry worry abt him isit?"
Me:" no, nt tis. Nothing...!! ....
(Juz be silent never said anythings...)

Nowaday, i dun lik to say a lot by myself adi... And thn felt myself really changing slowly.
Felt lik never smile a lot n nvr think abt things tat make me headache...
I duno isit tat a gud thing or a bad thing??? Confuse abt it...

After tis, he keep explain to me... actly he adi say ma, me never angry oso. Really nvm de la...
I knw u vry care me, at the same time oso scare me will angry u too... me wont so easy angry de la, if gt a reason i still will listen de... so dun so scare la^^... u care me i oso will care u de...

NOW, i oni will respect the pple tat respect me too!!! If do something tat make i dun lik, so i wont do anything juz be silent n dun lik to talk to tat person anymore... There's all, n easy!!!! Panda said me to friendly adi lo, i think ya, yes oso me too FREINDLY!!! Too friendly adi, many pple wont respect me... Alway do smt tat i dun lik bt i still can smile at them... BULL SHIT!!! I wont do tat ANYMORE!!! A.N.Y.M.O.R.E!!! I AM BORED ABOUT IT!!! people alway make fun at me, bt me still can treat them so gud lik ntg!!! BT nw i wont do tat AGAIN!!!

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