Tuesday, July 6, 2010

JusT ReCeived SomeThing =D

Happy to receive a preasent from him today^^

This is the second present tat he gave me juz nw....
Quite surprised whn he gave me.....^^
Sunddenly call me n pass the preasent to me adi...XD

OMG!!! bb more excited thn me to see wat inside it......haha
Thn i open n show her lo... c her lik cant wait jiang...LoLxxX

A vry nice shell
Vry lik it....
From in to out oso so nice^^
From the box into it all oso a vry nice shell^^

So happy to received it...
Bt nvr show the expression hw i lik it.... bt to me evry thing oso nice if he gives me...

Ask me did i lik it....???
Of cos i lik la...
Ask me isit nice???
Sure la... if nt nice oso he wot buy for me de ma.... haha.... bt reli vry nice la...hehe^^
He say so scare i dun lik... hahaha.....
Wont de la.... i'll keep it nicely....

Today so happy to receive his preasent....
He alway can make feel better...
Never ask a lot bt care a lot..... i love tis kind of him....

Duno wan buy wat to give him...
Bt gt think smt to buy, scare him dun lik o....haiz....

Who can help me to think wat to buy for him leh???
Reli duno boy lik wat de o.... hw??
Anyone can help???


1 comment:

  1. aiya..
    u buy wat he also like de
    u two so sweet nei
    jealous xP
    but i wont ask u tat stupid question
    wat u like anot-.-
    sure like la
    wat he gib u
    u also like de la


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