Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nowadays....Juz Never Smile A Lot...


Slp for 8 to hrs oso same oso so tired, ntg different at all...
Duno y leh... everyday wake thn think smt 1st...
My mood on tis few days quite bad... bt thn nvr show pple at skul, still lik normal.
Actly lik tis i felt suffer n torturing myself....

Say real i really dun lik tat feel....
Everyday went home i oso lik same, no mood or moody~
Seen hate my life gua~

Dun ask me y....???
Cos tis few days de post oso abt myself... I hate!!
Haiz... maybe is hse problem... oso can is my mental down problem...

Fortunely, Fren duno...
If they knw, thn i whole day will let them keep asking y i lik tis a... or say dun say la... all kind of tis thing....
Thn panda will teh me agn....xD
If is panda teh nvm leh.... bt duno y wei chuan tis few days at bus sat vf me alway lik to teh me....
Still wan teh lik girl... Me oso beh tahan adi... ask him let me go out i wan change place he dun let...-_-'''

I oso duno y will lik tis geh???
Last time even hw nt happy oso, at skul oso can lik normal vry happy de....
Bt thn nw... me change adi... nvr lik last tiem so happy...!!!
Maybe last time oni act lik happy gua... thn nw oni is real me...
I dun lik to change until lik tis.... I hate it!!

Not oni lik tis...
Nw oso less to talk abt myself to panda...
If last time can say non-stop, many to say...
Bt nw dun lik to say a lot, often keep it...
Sometimes wanted to say bt at last oso din say until...

N thn nw oso.. gt thing oso oni knw to be silent....
I duno is tis a gud or bad habit???
Juz wanna to chnage, bt hard....

Other reason oso bcos of fight vf parents last few days...
haiz.... sad...T^T

Wan hw??
Cry... cant cry....
Shout... dun wan be soh po
Hug pple... later pple say mouless

Sam fu a....
i dun wan lik tis anymore....
i wan die if keep lik tis....

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