Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Venice's Farewell Party 01/04/2014

This post will be all about my farewell surprise that planned by my pretty and handsome friends. The point is

"I Sudah Ditipu oleh Kamu Semua Lagi dan Kali ni ialah Kali Ke-2. "

At the beginning I thought that I am just going to have dinner with my friend's boyfie. So, sharp on 8pm, he came to my house and fetched me. On the way, we just like chat about normal things and I never realized that they planned a surprising farewell party just for me. So, my friend's boyfie told me that he need to go back home to take his wallet and I was like " okay. "

Suddenly, he stopped his car and my friends ran out and open the car door and shout " Surprise!" 
OMG! I got tipu again. hahahaha. Very surprising :') 
They were so funny. I really never think that someone will really plan a farewell for me because I just think why not just be simply and say bye on FB inbox or any social messengers. 
It's really touch to know that your BFF had planned this just for you. 

When the BBQ almost end. Come take a big family picture!! :) the normal one 
Smile! All the Pretties and Handsomes! 

Here come the abnormal one! Youngsters go weird! 

Okay... you all lose 99 d.. Kwok Yeow ( The botak boy. haha)  officially wins in this picture. " The Best Post of the Year!"  

hahaha maybe you don't know what we were doing, but actually we wanted to take a 千手观音 picture. 

This was Kwok Yeow Gor! the big man hehe 

We were the Wong family kids! 
from left to right: Sze Yoong, Kar Hang and Me!! 

This was Khai Keat. He was the one who build up the BBQ fire with Kar Hang. Terima Kasih Abang-abang ni yang susah-payah hari tu! :) 

See Kwok Yeow.. Aiyo! Busy eating chicken wing and our chef Kar Hang was cooking the foods for us :) 

This was Bacon with Enoki Mushroom, Onion and Japanese Cucumber. What a smart matching! Super Good weih!  

Boss saya! Kar hang 

Handsome guy back from NS! Kwok Yeow
sorry that this picture was blurred 

Kar Hang take 2 haha

Pretties here!! Sze Yoong and Chen Hooi

The Gold Hair gang haha! Zhi Fung and Bryan Yik 

Small Brother of 97's, Wei Lian! 

Oh! Kar Hang take 3 hahaha XD 

Khai Keat! Want look handsome don't want wear spec haha

My Ex-teacher who taught me maths and add maths when I am form 4. Now I am still calling him Mr.Jay as respect :) 

Come Come!! Get in to the picture! 

Credit by Sze Yoong

Credit by Sze Yoong


Thank you to..
Sze Yoong
Chen Hooi 
Jia Jung 
Kar Hang 
Khai Keat 
Kwok Yeow
Wei Lian 
Zhi Fung 

Thank you for had you all did for me :) 

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