Thursday, June 24, 2010

Moody day~

duno wat happen today...all pple oso lik so sad~
my dear dear, sad until me oso wan cry vf her... all thing wat had happen today made me really wan to cry.... i dun lik to cry, bt today saw her lik tis i really cant stand for it adi. I cry in the class cos dun wan let her knw tat i cry bcos of her, dun wan let her knw whn i'm sad.

i care for her so much cos she is my best best best fren. Got 1 time i scold her, bt at last i oso sad.I tat time i duno y i will do tat! I care for her cos dun wan she sad n get hurt... today whn she told me tat she was sad, me oso nt tat happy to heard tat. Bcos for ... she sad until lik tis.... haiz~~~
Tat time me oni can tahan dun cry our lo, if nt she cry until non stop thn more sad.

i alway try to be happy.Juz at skul dun wan let pple knw whn i am sad.... oni she knw wat happen to me. she alway is my best fren n forever too....

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