Thursday, December 29, 2011


seen a long time didn't type my Blog using English. Plus, my English also cacat! But today feel like want to type using English- -!!

Anyway, i have a super duper pain at my back bone!
I'm not tired but just so pain. So scare i will sick! Damn, is a NO for sick! hate it....!

Today i took taxi to my work. So unlucky to uncle sitting there told me that the bus just go a second before i came! really felt to shout WTH! but the next bus was 5 something. i will be late that time ~
Such a sad thing because i lost money again :(

I wondering something now, do i want to continuous working at Harbour next year?
Actually, for me working at there quite stress. And i'm the only girl! - -
Harbour everyday also have a "Traffic Jam". Too many people coming to have their dinner, for sure we work like hell everyday.
Today also the same thing....

Maybe nest year start school i will take another job just for weekend. JUST MAYBE....

i think i really have to lay on my comfort bed! back bone pain TT. Night

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