Sunday, January 8, 2012

another weekends.... and so damn boring! Not going out today, mum asked me to clean my room. Hate to do that because i will keep on sneezing, but then chinese new year coming!!! that's why must clean the house.

today never even touch my homework. Just like to relax for 1 day! tomorrow i will finish it.
Anyway, just headache about my Karangan. Holy Shit!! So damn long never write karangan and teacher ask us to write we we did when holiday = =!!
"Cikgu, saya hanya bekerja, tidur dan makan sepanjang cuti sekolah ini!" 

i think really World End on 2012! WTF was the weather so damn HOT???
Go out and stand under the sun for minutes really like burning.
Especially when having school! enough hot to wear the uniform and don't even have a tiny little bit wind blow in. Always waste a lots a lots of tissue =-=!

lazy to type already.... Go have a nice bath n mask! :) tomorrow i am going out with a happy face! :D

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