Sunday, January 9, 2011

不要和钱过不去!!! ~忍~

today morning when to work
haven really started the day then begin to scold by the boss
actually he not really scold la, just say a lot thing that will make people felt very beh song

almost whole days was getting say say say -.-''
1 thing that i can't accepted was serving the customers 
i think at afternoon, there were a lot customers coming to buy shoes
then i was serving my customers and the boss served his customers too
after my customers try, for sure pay money la.
then all had pay money and some never buy anything also
there was a pair of shoes on the counter

boss started to scold, this time really scold!!
boss: cui ling, where is this cuntomer?? where she go??!!
mii: har??... i don't know wor. this not you served geh meh?? O.o
boss: har??!! what a!!!.... i ask you to help me look after ma!! now see where she go???
(actually he never even ask ME to help him look after, and that time damn many customer)
mii:....(speechless).... orh~
boss: next time better you see nicely a!!!... hire you back is to help me!!
mii: orh~....(seem he say like this lo, i can't say what already lo, who call he is "boss" >.<'')

then 2nd geh....
mii was collecting money from the customer
but the boss was busying serving other 2 customers...later~
mii: boss, just now got a customer pay from RM49.90... i put the money back to the cash box alraedy.
boss: a! next time a got this kind of things must call me you know!
mii: (haiz)....orh~
boss: don't simply press and take money from there...!

that time i was thinking....
" wtf, thought me what??.. got 8 hands a~.... lu punya salah blame me. KNS boss!!"
"1 days only RM35, somemore i am just 14+ years old. think i am 25 a??!!"
"dare you fire me la, i don't mind also. cheh... thought here got gold a..shit then got la"
" if i wan stole money or damage your shop a, no need wait until now lo! pass few weeks i will do it already!"

haiz... conclusion is~
i damn beh song the boss today!
chi ma gan

raelly think to tell him
"oi uncle... I DON'T WANT TO WORK AT HERE!!"

but too bad... because of money
i need it... so TAHAN!!

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