Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Burden Of Time

tomorrow friends said that school will show out the results
then can know we what class already
omg.. scare~.~

must go pray jor!!
pray don't drop until the below top 5 class
pray pray pray....XD
funny la... joke only
what class not really care about
just wish that that class has my friends
don't like to be alone
don't want go in 3cengal then nothing is problem...^m^

i also don't think i got time to go tomorrow 
so, see la free on weekend maybe i'll go

actually that day i go i also think to go out find friends
stay at home very bored 
>.<... play computer play till siao already

this week waiting for the work
waiting for the call
wish will be approve
need money now...T^T

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