Wednesday, November 30, 2011

吃翻天! eat eat eat~

今天本来是去吃泰国餐的,很可惜那件泰国餐的店般到很远去。所以我们没有口福了 :(
就在家里附近常吃的大炒叫菜随便吃 :) 其实东西不会很贵,可是我真的很就很久没有去哪里吃了 :O 菜一到就把了很多去吃. 真的觉得自己很像饿鬼 XD

真的很好吃!! 原来以前天天吃的东西,现在做工没有什么机会吃到,真的很好吃的 :')) 

废话少说! 大开吃戒~~!!

 balacan 番薯苗

今天一家人都吃的很饱! 还有两样菜没有拍 XD 吃到忘记了~
今天这餐本小姐付钱 :) 真的很就没有一家人坐在一起吃饭咯。温馨 :D! 所以今天呀没看价的叫了4样,通通都很多哦! 大家吃到很饱很开心,而我和mummy就吃到快吐了! 幸好没有叫螃蟹 @@! 原本想叫,不然吃不完就要硬撑 @@!

突然好想吃甜的! :) 好吧最近的kuchai lama Snowflakes!!! wooohooo ~
这次爸爸心情真的几好3 4下,哈哈哈哈哈!! 一说就载我去
Snowflakes 也是本小姐付钱 :) 也是叫最贵 最好吃的 ^^! mummy 开心弟弟开心我就当然最开心啦! XD 付钱谢谢RM20.70 X.x 也是不理!
1. GJ best seller Rm6.90
2.Hot GJ best seller Rm 6.90
3.Sesame Sensation Rm6.90

好等不及哦! 可是最等不及应该是我弟弟才对 - -!!
开动,吃吃吃!! 哈哈哈哈 我最爱的GJ best seller 冷冰冰@@!
mummu最喜欢的hot GJ seller 热腾腾!
芝麻绿豆 3个都很喜欢! :D ( 其实我们最喜欢他的黑芝麻taroballs :x)

吃完!! 收档~
今天真的开心咧,等大家回到家,洗白白了就一起出去吃东西。 :))

daddy讲我花钱不眨眼, 有钱了就这里用哪里花。" daddy, HELLO! 我只是拿来吃吗,学到你啦 hahaha! 钱又不可以拿进棺材,吃的是福!"

好咯,到这里~ bye bye!

Last Day of November!!! :)

最近觉得自己开始变咯……!! 是好事 :D
做工让我觉得我累很辛苦,也做出病来! :( 没关系,现在也好了,先甜后苦!

最近也很开心下,星期日才去了pavilion 和妈妈扫货回来 muhahahaha! 不错吗!! Padini 有折 :D 
照片的就是新衣啦 :D 才买了差不多RM80将。
上衣 Padini: Rm39.50
鞋子Converse: RM115.90 ( 这个没折)

其实,还有在Romp 买了裤子。可是没有拍照,因为懒~
哪里也买了RM79.80...不会很贵啦,因为是两条裤子 :) 这也自己付钱
那天起码用了RM170 @@!! 傻眼咧  
现在还有衣服没有买,等我出粮又去Pavilion & S.Wang 扫 

想吃Sushi Zan Mai 想吃BBQ plaza 想吃 The Garden Moo Cow 想吃 SnowFlakes 想吃The Loaf 面包 想吃 Sawadee88 thai food 想喝Starbuck Chocolate Cream Chip & Mocha Blended 想去Levian Hi-Tea 

我就是什么都想!!! OMG 肥定了 :(( 

有人有那么多的钱陪我去吗? XD
我真的很想吃!! 想个和我一样喜欢它们的人去吃个够!! :) 

我知道我一定可以的 XD 
可是要慢慢来,胃没有将大 :P 

最近也因为在家闲着没事做,也帮FB打扮打扮一番!! 也是时候装修的啦~ XD
这个是 1st account 的 FB skin : Venice Wong

 这个是 2nd account 的FB skin: Venice Wong II

想把自己的FB 变美美的话就在这里弄吧 :) : 

现在在这里做工好开心哦! :D harbour steamboat seri petaling (click to check out more on Facebook)
今天我宵夜也是火锅,饱死了!! 超丰富的 ^^ 记得来光顾哦!

天天都是那么多人,我也不懂为什么!! 因为太好吃了 XD
有意可拨打: 03-90594353 以定位 :)

好咯,就到这里 :) bye!

Friday, November 25, 2011

22/11 Outing!

也真的很就没打部落格了!! 最近都很懒 XP 
好啦将会前几天的是吧 :) 真的很累,可是我的开心的

还没有去Pavilion 之前,我们也在Watson 待了很就下。 一直买这个买哪个 XD! 我买我的晚霜,Qing买他的药膏和Oxy 10. 说说下,原来我们用的保养品都差不多咧! 

22/11/2011 和Qing 约好去K.L。 一起达巴士去Sungai Wang 再走路去Pavilion。去Pavilion 只是买我的Converse, Snowflakes 和The Loaf. 可是最后没有去到The Loaf ,因为我们两个都饱到要死了!!! 所以说好下次才去The Loaf 。超喜欢他们的面包!! 
大爱大爱!! Bread Fans! :)) 

好啦回去TS! 达monorail, 因为很懒走路!! XP
顺便在寻找我心意的"对象" ! 走走下,看到咯! 美美的~ 就这样买你回家,做我宝贝! :)) 

原想在找多一对的! 可是nike 的这一季都不是很美 TT! 在到其他店看看咯~

来来别吝啬了 卡掐 张照片! :D

其实还有很多的! 只是都没有上传,因为都会吓死人 XD!

建议大家去Pavilion! 因为那里真的很美,哪里的圣诞布置超级棒的! thumb up! 
可是的hello kitty, 超大的pavilion 蛋糕 :D
The Christmas Wonderland!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

happy girl!

SUNDAY midnitgh! really late now but i am still online - -!
when for a cut yesterday! :)
like my new hair style, but looks so girl girl XP small kids
don't know how will it be after 2 weeks. hope will be nicer.

worked at Oversea, so freaking busy. everyone was rushing here and there. GRR! tahan 2 more days working there and Bye Bye Oversea. working full at Harbour.
Working at Harbour is something happy. cause people there are so friendly :)

next Tuesday, going out with Qing
until December.......
1st week off day wanna go out again BABES???
Miss yarh so much. Long time no meet >.

Friday, November 18, 2011

smile for another day :)

Hello! it's 3.16pm now :) and i going to work later.
Grab my Rm100 when 16th Nov. so tired on that day because i had to wake up early in the morning and took bus and LRT to school. WHAT A SAD DAY! i had to work at night too. i just slept for 3 hours oni that day :(

OK! that's not the point :)
yerterday i upload an video on Facebook. Surprise for my Baba! Have been a long time didn't saw him. And i also upload another video on ANOTHER place. Happy for it, finally i could upload it.
Thanks for Qing, and she is the 1st to heard that.

Lately so mad for MONEY! really have to save the money now :(  next month only get my salary! Never simply spend money again TT!

Finally the rain had stop and is time to go to shower and work! :))
 see yarh!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

辛苦了 :)

 今天很多人都一致的来到harbour吃东西,搞得今天超级忙的 :P

明天又是星期六! 可是我还有有做工……
打两份工还蛮辛苦的,可是值得值得  :) 为了得到想要的东西,付出一些些也无所谓啦。

今天5pm就到了harbour。下雨天……只好搭的士咯,因为没有巴士 :(
大家还没开工! 正用着他们的午餐,我也来一份。 填饱肚子就开始一天的工作咯!! 今天11.11.11真的好的人5.30人潮就逐渐增加直到11pm 才开始离开。
辛苦大家咯!! : )
今天洗杯洗到快死了! X.X 大家也热的不可开交
照片很久了 :P 也是在TS 拍的

原先计划想去Mid Valley。失望的,妈妈说他要去办点事。Mission Incomplete :P
下个星期,off day Qing book 了我的时间 XD 一起去逛街咯!
好期待,因为他是第一个这么兴奋听到我说off day的人,可爱!!! 也是超级第一个说和我出街的人,太爱她了啦!!!

说起来好像我的时间很难说到式,还要book. XP

下星期,手表& Outing With Qing!
谁也阻止不了 XP

是时候说BYE BYE! :)
Coming Back Soon....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

HARBOUR days ♥

back to blog!
anyway, i am lazy to type...

i am off day yesterday. but not wonderful for me! because i still need to go to school :(   the aim i went there just to fill up what stupid borang, but the " clever " had bluff by what the teachers said - -!

Never mind! seem until 12pm also haven told us what to do. SO, me ,teng and li cheng decided to walk to the school. And i went back home by LRT, thanks for teng's mum fetch me there.

the thing i do when i reach my sweet home is bath and SLEEP! Love my comfort bed so so so much. took a until for 3 hours and i book a table at Harbour Steamboat for dinner ♥
It was the first time i ate there, so freaking nice! me and my brother eat like Dinosaur! for the total for the dinner is RM164.80. 4 person with this price @@!
we the pork slices
we  the fish slices
we ♥ the mushroom pork balls
we  the zha wan tan
we  the spinach mees
that's why we ate until RM163.80

Dad said, Mum said, Fatty said: THIS IS THE BEST STEAMBOAT! ♥ 

Monday, November 7, 2011

昨天难得可以出去咯 : )
11.30出门去The Mines.

穿的很简单就出门了. 衬衫+短裤, 喜欢我的包包! 这次真的就来走完怎个Mines了!! 一直看手表看鞋子! 我的最爱  

鞋子!! 宝贝你又被我看上了 : ) ! 这次连mummy也说很好看,因为我去试穿了. Red little shoe, YOU ARE MY NEXT TARGET ! 哈哈哈... 开心咯!!

好饿!! 是时候吃饱饱咯~ 我的mocha珍珠 + 古林的seafood tempura+ takoyaki. 真的很丰富…!! 在走走下就回家,又是时候去做工了。

几时要在去sungai wang, time square, pavilion, mid valley 看鞋子?? 有人可以和我一起去吗? : D 我会找qing 陪我!! 因为我们超会走的…… from ts> sg >uniqlo > pav> ts!

第五件是就是想chubby seng的surprise!!! : )

Saturday, November 5, 2011

 ♥ it's  Saturday!
anywhere to go? hmm... such a long time never really go to shopping complex :( so sad! everyday working. 

nothing different for tomorrow, i need to work also.... . but my working time kinda free :) 6pm start. another wedding for tomorrow? hope it will not that busy like last few weeks. 

just now was chatting with the chubby seng. thinking for the surprise will be really surprise for him. 
NO SHOES FOR HIM! hahaha.... his shoes is more then my shirt + pants. 
X'mas surprise for him.  

next  Wednesday i am off! but ah quack told me that we have to go school :O what a bull shit! RAWR!!!! 1 week only 1 day off. Go SCHOOL?? ruin my day T^T. 
going to school to fill up the form 4 classes borang. what a cacat school choose WEDNESDAY! 

time for me to sleep now, Oversea tomorrow!  
L♥ve yarh!  

Friday, November 4, 2011


开工第二天 : )

其实在Harbour做工不会说很累,有时候也会站到很闷。 哪里的人潮天天都是那么多人, 可是从来就没有吵架声。 在哪里做工也算是件开心的事…… !

突然有股冲动好像换发型 : D!! 可是有点舍不得, 哈哈哈!
我的手表, 等我把你带回家吧。
我的鞋子, 在店里呆太久闷了,也是时候一起把你带回家啦。


  • 脸上的憔悴可以用护肤品除去,精神上的憔悴却是用时间除去。
  • 为了成功,把脚步放快,走久了也会停下来。
  • 天天问自己这么拼命为了什么?? 为了买这个买哪个…… 还是为了满足自己的要求? 
  • 如果钱真的可以买到很多很多的快乐回来,我会愿意一辈子打工,直到有天觉得自己一辈子的快乐以足够…… 




Thursday, November 3, 2011

♥ The One

It's November now, how are you?

For me, this month is kinda busy...
started from this month to December, maybe really less time to have dinner with mum and dad, very less going outing, very less time for me to waste.

Everyday I woke up mum and dad went out for working, when they came back is time for me to work. Finish work, is time for them to sleep.

The time talking with them so less.... but hope it will pass it faster and faster! maybe after this 2 months, i will really realize that family really important to me : )

To friends too. So miss the old days, laughing and crying with them, so memorable :')
Now half  of us were busy for work and exhausted after work. And the another half were busy for their tuition, so hard working. But some of them so relax, stay at the house eat and sleep everyday, makes people admire!

working hard really get back something good.
time to sleep. sugar dream!

stay tune....♥!

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