Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last Saturday in 2012

So today is the last Saturday in 2012! Did something special? hmmm i just hang out to Sunway with ma lovely family :) 

Friday, December 28, 2012

宅在家 101

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今天一整天都呆在家里做宅女! 哈哈 真的很就都没有在家睡到日晒三竿才起床 :)
其实做开心的不是因为可以呆在家.. 而是我发现, 是和妈咪他们一起出去吃饭最开心.

一天一天长大之后, 觉得我不在喜欢出街买衣服, 逛街吃好的, 也不在因为郁闷而出去. 可能像一个朋友所说一样: " 当你到某一种阶段, 你拥有了你想要的一切你就会停止下啦. 你的欲望也会离去." ..... 真的吗?

现在我不缺什么. 我要的只是可以一直这样过每天, 开心快乐就好.

渐渐也发现妈米他真的变了好多!! OMG 怎么都觉得他便幽默咯   或许他也明白我了吧? :) haha
可能在读的你们不明白, 也不需要明白. 因为我最爱的还是我家人 :')

" 天啊!! 刚刚看太多微电影了吧? 怎么... 怎么都是emo 派? hahaha"
有空真的要去Youtube 看看微电影.. 很有feel 的 :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's Holiday! Shopping day for me! 261212

 READY FOR TODAY's STORIY? so here we go with the Converse All Star ! :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

last days of work! 25 December ended and 26 December comes. How's your Christmas?
by the way, still "happy" that on my last day work like hell, people queue damn freaking long out there.

tomorrow gonna hang out with the buddy! we are going out to get our present! :)
so stay tune for tomorrow post! might be many many picture!
Good nights people!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

Merry Christmas everyone! have you bought all your present to give it out? Or have you receive any present yet? 

For me.. i haven buy and receive any present. But it's Christmas ad. Seem all of my friends were busy these days. One of my buddy asked me to exchange present with him! omg excited man! we set a limit which Not over Rm200! ... he ended up told me what i get hahaha but still excited! 

The POINT is! I haven tell him what I'm going to buy for him! First thing is I thinking what to buy for boy? What do he need? What thing that he can use it always but not just for decoration? 

Seriously, this is my first time buy thing for boy :P

But anyway, I know I will decide before 26th Dec.. cause we gonna open our Christmas present afternoon.
We 2 alien going out to the same place but walk separate to get each other's present as well!

So Freaking Happy!! Finally 25th December!! this is my last day of work! Working on Christmas is totally a tragedy, but it's my last day so try be stay happy on Christmas. I know tommorow will be busy like hell, shopping complex will crowded with humansss @@" Rest more and fight till the end!

Good Night guys!!

Any idea what to buy? :) haha

Monday, December 24, 2012

芒果糯米糍 mango mochi

今天 超忙的!! 我的天啊.. 真的没停止排队.. 许留山的魅力!!! @@"
从我开工到放工就一直不停的做, 就连喝水上厕所的时间都没有 :( 真的辛苦大家了! 同事们都做到要哭了, 因为人手不足. 放午饭就是大家最开心的时候.
今天销售量超惊人的 @@" 不枉大家辛苦一番, supervisor 请大家3粒糯米糍.. 呵呵 开心开心 :)

平安夜, 星期一... 希望不会像今天一样 :O  大家都做到快崩溃了 :'(

倒数1天! 完满完成暑假工啦  :)  辛苦这么就也为了等这一天的来临!!!
平安也快乐  Happy Christmas Eve everyone!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

21st Decemeber 2012? End of the world? haha.. lies la, i am still alive and blogging now.
Who cares end of the world? Christmas coming very soon!

kinda sad that i don't really celebrate X'mas :P everyone was busy like hell. All my friends got work on that day also just some of them not.
my last day of work will be at 25th December 2012. And i will help my cousin sister on her wedding. Super excited!! Bought myself a dress because need to attend her wedding dinner.
Maybe, i will sing on her wedding dinner too :O as her called from singapore, for no reason i will reject her. She is one of the person who give me happy memories when I'm still a child and singing is just a part of my hobby :D!
I can say that this will be my first dress that i bought in my entire life. cause i don't really wear dress when outing :P

a short post for today. Super duper tired and sleepy -0-zz"
Good Night people!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Off day 211212

Happy Winter Solstice people! :) have your reunion dinner already? I'm sure yes for you guys!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


 Year End Sale!! Was started now!! Totally can't miss it OMG!! i haven't get anyone piece of clothes, pants or shorts and shoes...and many many many many many more!!!!!

Can't wait for my Precious Cousin sister's wedding on 31 December :D how cool isit? she called me today and tell me that she want a Gangnam style wedding hahhaa NICE !!! and.... she asked me to sing and dance @@" serious? wow gonna be busy after i end up my job. 4 days to go!! yippiiieee! 25 December will be the last day work..
I'm still thinking what to wear on her wedding dinner :O she told me that her theme colour is white, pink and i forgot the other colour ad :P... Maybe white? :)

SO! Friday coming! ... Anyone going to have REUNION dinner? :D is 冬至 ( Dong Zi) ... so that day everyone will having the rice ball as will. My mum said she not going to make it haih.. BUT!! i feel like doing it wor hahaha cause i off on that day.

kinda sad that my dad can't come back for us because of he have to work on that day :( it's okay! take picture for him.

Cherish very moment!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

面包 Bread

Mandarin for today's post!

 这就是我吃过最一级棒的面包了... 虽然也蛮贵的,可是好吃就好 :)
在Pavilion工作都会去在 level 1 的 Lavender 面包店买这个.  就连同事和我一样爱上了它. 哈哈哈 他的魅力很大对吧? 很香很香的 Garlic Bun  肚子饿的时候就会想起它  就很的很好吃 :D

算还好吧... 还没有被气死就很好了... :\ 没有什么心情在做下去了.. 只希望时间快点过……
晚安咯 ... 好友 6 天!! 加油吧!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm just too tired

Today.. i am so tired. I shall say is extremely exhausted..... Countdown 6 days and i gonna end up my holiday job. Claps hand for me! 1 whole week didn't off. Non-stop working like a buffalo.

As a staff and service crew, i think i am not really a good staff sometimes but i am good on service. But as a senior i think i am just so enough polite to teach the newbie who just come to work.
Seriously WTF for today, trying to talk good and teaching them what to do, at the end got fucked up by a freaking bull shit junior! Don't understand nowadays what those human thinking!!! " Are you sure you want to work?? And talk like this with senior and trying to service people out there?"

....... Totally so upset!  Now i understand something!! Never treat people too good, maybe people don't really think that you are good to them.

That's all for today. Hope the time pass faster! :(

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Under water world @Langkawi

Another post about my Langkawi trip. So this time is about the Underwater world at Langkawi.
Honestly this is also my first time that i went there. kinda excited also! 
And here's some picture that i capture when i went to the Underwater world. Enjoy it guys! 

this is the first thing you will see when you walk into the Underwater world :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

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i am not a super extra ordinary girl and not really pretty. but i always real and never lie. Today feel like so emo.. sigh~
i think i shouldn't be so serious, right? never think to get back anything and never hope for what again. If need anything, just try my bets to get it.
i feel like.. HOPE is just the beginning of DISAPPOINTED

I Hate Stupid Liar!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Langkawi Trip 04112012

Ready to Fly??? 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Never and Ever

i wish i can be happy like how i smile in this picture, always and forever. maybe sometimes things will never be like what we wish to be. but i'll try my best not to let myself to get sad and never give anyone to make me down, never ever! Good night ...

sorry that the langkawi trip post have to delay.. feel so tired after back from work :O

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Work Time Happiness :)

My Breakfast From Pavilion Food Republic 

I didn't post anything and never online for these 2 days,.. so sad that my internet have a little problem. But it's okay, the internet had recover now :) 

So! Today is Selangor public holiday? Agong's birthday? but for me is still the same, working everyday and boring everyday... hmmmm. Mummy holiday today, so she decide to take LRT with me to KL today. Quite happy also cause everyday i have to take public transport to work by myself. So Lonely :\  

Mummy bought me Breakfast today! Thank you my boss! Ma first meal of the day : Pan Mee Dry  

 Isn't it cute? haha i bought it for the birthday boy, Wei Chuen! he was so damn happy when i gave it to him. Laughing like crazy. Because he thought i will never buy him present =-=" But at the end, i bought him this teddy from Zakka House @Pavilion

 Now is really a Happy Boy!  And he name his teddy : 小丸子 or Dada  XD
 Ignore me :O Wei Chuen took this picture and i steal it from his phone haha
 Ding Ding Ding!!! Finish work!!!!!!!!! Finally 10.30pm
all my staff were chilling around and talking craps :P
 This is Ah xiang, our Bar master haha... i think he will kill me if he saw this picture OMG!
 The Rubbish Man or the Birthday Boy.. Tell you what? He told me before that he felt happy to throw rubbish everyday wth =-=" Problem lo..

 Birthday really " dai sei" ? Sleep? @@

 Guess who is this??

 Took it when we were boarding in the LRT... That's Catherine the C.A.T and Dada

 He's going to be crazy! haha i know he was really happy :)  Happy Birthday!!!

 Me & Catherine the C.A.T !

this few this was really hard to pass without internet. hope that TM will never give my problemsss again :(

sometime really feel like give up my job. So tiring + Boring. but think about $$ so i stand for it ><" 2 more weeks to go!! Gambateh!!

Stay Tune for the Langkawi Trip Post! maybe i'll making it 2 post.. too many pictures

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Rock to work!

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Good Afternoon! gonna work later at 1.30pm.. don't ask me why i work so late.. i just follow the sceduele that arrange by my supervisor :)
Today is Saturday, hope today will be better! Come visit me at Pavilion 许留山 Hui Lau Shan 


*Click on the picure for further view :)
 Outfit of the day.. So sibeh long time didn't wear skirt ad Ma God D:  kinda weird
i brought bag pack today. actually this picture took by my mum while waiting for the life
i stay at apartment.
i don't really have a lot of branded clothes actually.. i shop anywhere, as long as the things or clothes are nice, so is fine for me :)

i get my outfit ... :
Air Balloon singlet : 大马购物商城
Necklace (Vintage Camera) : Forever Be
Skirt: Sungai Wang Level 6 ( sorry that i forget is which shop)
Shoes: Offline Blogshop at Time Square

and Gold Digital Casio watch

 By the way.. i am not wearing Lens today. Feel like wearing lens make me so tired and so dry :(
still look okay? having light make up today.
Hang out with le family at Sunway Pyramid. i purposely take leave today just because ma daddy came back from Johor. holiday working, spent so less time with him so i decided to take leave just because of my BOSS haha

 Broke again :O  went to Studio R and bought this back
Le new flipflop for me! like X'mas feel lo hahaha like it so much. my second pair of Ipanema . this time my parents no comment and just said: " you want then buy lo."
my 1st pair of Ipanema wore for almost 3 year =-=" so must get myself a new 1 already right? :D
Oh Nana what's your name?
Call me Nana!

the Winter White Bunny hahaha 

if the shop i bought Nana got sell Bunny clothes then good lo :( so sad they don't have. 
my mum asked me to saw myself LOL... Mum, kidding right? :P 

i put Nana on my brother's knee haha
actually my brother love Nana also, but the picture doesn't show that he really love Nana
stupid face he has haha

so good nightzz people :)
working tomorrow, so sad and boring to heard that. hope i really got something nice to share again, Chiaozz!

*Don't Forget to hit my Nuffnangx Ads :D Thanks people!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Say Hello to Nana! :D

It's seem a long time didn't post anything already :O 

well, today .. i mean 6th of December of cause. Today is my turn to OFF! so damn happy! 
holiday work like hell everyday. 
By the way, friends are asking me where am i working? Answer: Pavilion 
Which shop? Answer: Hui Lau Shan 许留山 

so here is where i'm working at :)
come visit me! :D pavilion, Level 6

So that's not the point haha..

today is my turn to OFF
actually i think to stay at home whole day, laying on my cozy bed from day to night :P
but i can't.. kinda sad right? i shall wake on 9.30am
i am so not willing to wake but today my friend is celebrating his birthday
hmmm.. no choice then, have to wake early and hang out to Time Square today :)

so this is how i look like today :) 

i love my ear ring so much!!
i brought it just few days ago when Padini Concept Store at Pavilion was having Last 3 Days Offer 
Ori Price was: RM25 .. after discount it just cost RM7.50 
how can i miss it, right? haha

so this is the Birthday boy :) 
Wc Chang! :D 
We celebrate 4 days earlier than his birthday actually 
because everyone isn't free on Monday ( his birthday 10th Decmber) 
hope that today he is happy :) 

so i brought this at Pavilion Tokyo Street muahaha! 
isn't it cute? 
happy to bring it back 
Call this bunny NANA! 

gonna buy another bear for the birthday boy 
sorry that i didn't really bring lots of cash today, i will buy you the teddy very soon!! :) 

Good Nightzz!
say good night to Nana also <3 br="br">
Visit me on : 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

last day of October :) 2012

sometime i am so foolish 
listened and trusted all those words 
words that also give me hope and i always wish for 
but end up with all those bull shit 

last day of October
faster end it up please 
i hate it so much. 

After November it will be good i know 
all my time will given to work 
no need think so much 
concentrate on my work 
even tired, but i know it's worth 

at least work i get money... 
stay at the house, think shit... i get sadness... fcuk! 

so happy Last Day Of October :) 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


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可是自己都一直抱着一种 " hmmm 过了, 久了, 就会没事的 " 的心态



想太多, 总是搞得自己心情很低落 

那些为什么的问题, 我从来就没有得到解答

是我的问题吧? 我应该想想其实我真的错再那里, 还是…… 

找的人不对, 我也不知道 

射手座的他.. 不, 我应该说是他们吧 
给我的回忆太多, 难以忘记 

但是, 射手的……
我从此再也不会了 :) 

我渐渐的发现, 忘记一个不难

Sunday, July 29, 2012

8月考, 不会很难,所以真的要加油了!!

哈哈哈 很自脸的说 我的眼皮好看好多 :D
原来素颜也ok 可以见人了哦 ^^

真的开心, 皮肤也变好了

我的karangan 完蛋了 ><
Tanker 会把握砍掉!!

8骗没做, 我的天呀!
我这次很的死了 ><

突然觉得,为什么没有做到功课会很怕. =.=!
自己也不懂. 补习的功课一律做到完. 我也太勤劳了吧 :O

Saturday, July 7, 2012


最近, 渐渐的发现原来我身边所谓那些很好很好的朋友
不懂是我把他们想得不是很好了  还是他们真的没有真的很好

至于以前和同班的小可爱们关系都还不比我那些很好很好的朋友来的融洽的小可爱们   反而让我觉得他们是在我最需要朋友时 会来温暖我的心的人
大家都为了大家感到开心   感到难过


是我不想以前那么爱玩爱闹 所以距离远了? 是我开始努力读书了, 他们觉得我不是他们的type?

有一个很好的姐妹   被称姐妹的 应该都已经不顾形象 无话不谈 不会在介意些什么了吧?
现在好像不算姐妹了吧.  我们只是认识的朋友
不是因为什么重伤 什么误会的
而是因为那个对他很重要的人  让我渐渐把他疏远

可能他觉得我不在乎那些 “ 那个对他很重要的人" 所说的那些让人听了很想一把他过去的话
一次我可是不在乎, 两次我可以听他无心,第三次 你认为我还会脸带笑容的对他哈哈大笑?

不好意思.  这种要委屈自己和这么没有尊严的东西, 我——黄翠宁 不会在忍他!

我宁愿选择这些会了大家感到开心  感到难过的小可爱 这样开心难过下去, 也不想也不想在为了那些蛮不在乎别人感受别人死活的"姐妹" 弄到自己失眠 睡不着! 

这一切我觉得不没有必要在容忍下去 :) 
人都是为了自己 才更应该活下去的 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Johor Trip


上个星期五六日 去了柔佛,真的相隔很久了  上次去 却是进新加坡 
没有去哪里玩  大多的时间都是呆在那巨无霸的鱼塘 

p/s: 其实那里是爸爸做工的地方 

像我们这些天天上学搭巴士 吃东西叫waiter 闷是时候上facebook 的孩子 可能去到哪里真的会疯掉 
因为从大马路驾4 wheel drive经过油棕园走着黄泥路 大概都要45 分钟 @@ 
瞒过瘾的!! 晚上进那个油棕园更" 刺激" 我妈妈!!! @@   
我那个爸爸还开完笑讲 : 晚上走这里? 给山猪吃了都不知道什么事 

山猪?! 蛇?! 四角蛇?!山鸡?! 牛?! 羊?! 山狗?! 
我的天啊 那里真的什么都有哦 - -! 
可是最鸡巴的就是没有电话线 没有wi-fi  
在哪里不是看人家抓鱼就是 看电视 还有吃 和 睡 

那里吃鱼不用给钱!! 快吃到傻了 :P 
天天大鱼大肉 muahahahaa 

p/s :因为没有东西做 做事都是早睡早起 黑眼圈都没有 :D 

3天2夜 怎么样? 
我说 赞! :D 

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