Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy and Funny Dinner ♥

today woke up at 10 something
i was at port dickson that time
afternoon only i had my breakfast at there
 after that bath lo... pack things.... back to K.L!!

on the way back, it was a small traffic jam
it took 2 hours to rush back K.L

after reach home
fast fast bath with.. paip water!
damn hot... XDD

then changed shirt
go out again!...xixi
 wait qing came to my house
we went to time square together
brought a shirt 
same with qing de...
but she brought that was white and mine was light-yellow
actually qing was wonder to buy a ring and domo de
but at last never buy until~

6.30 like that went to have my dinner
actually wanted to go wood village 
then never open wor
yoong said 8th Feb only open back
so we went to 100 Celsius there ate lu~
order food... and sure drinks also...XD
don't know want order what for my leng zaii 
then order tom yam
cause he said cin cai... then choose this ...
we bad dao put the prawn inside cook
that time he haven come

he came jor ask him ate the prawn
told me he don't want ate =.=''
want to see me only wor....LoLx

today so bad leh~... 1st time i bite him so hard >.<
sorry sorry~
sure pain de lo~...

damn funny la yoong n him
fight dou so dakk yii..C:
play with the yii mee
play with de don't know fish like that de can squash de
yoong so bao li liao....XDDDD

he keep kacau me a....XD
ask him isit fat hou... he say yes~ lol
speechless jor... XP

bao bao le~
bill please.. hehe
O.O Rm95...huh! expensive dou!
see see see.... again la!... he pay all again!...-.-''

then he went to behind de soul relax jor~
i go 7-eleven with qing, she want top up.
go paparich again.... drink Milo dinosaur!!
sibeh nice!

then 10 something we went home
11 something fecth qing balik rumah
12 only bath~

brought didi shirt and mum a ring...haha
mum so happy~ C:

anyway really thanks to qing
cause rush back K.L she waited me so long
teman me hang kai at time square
always go out with me
thanks thanks :D

thanks to yoong babes
today she work finish then came dinner with me
sam fu her jor~ ^^
sure tired de la... haha
thanks babes... love you ya !! C:

thanks for my boy boy ( seng)
hehe... thanks for kacau me wor~
haha jkjk...
thanks for~...erm.... what?
have dinner with me la!!..xD
thanks for begin the best boyfriend ever to me! 
today leng zaii wor~!
but still the same... You're So Cute!!! hahaha
love you very much much much....♥

anyway also dav~
happy birthday to him too
although never came
thanks for his present :)

best birthday ever
have a nice day!! ♥

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