Wednesday, March 26, 2014

MH370 really RIP? :(

credit by Google Image
It was so sad to hear that MH370 was ended in the southern Indian Ocean. If that's the truth, where is the black box and where is the passengers and crews' dead body? I think if people never see the black box and the dead bodies.. Malaysia will never be peaceful. The International is looking at us. Still hoping that there is a miracle. 

Watched the news on TV today. Seems like the journey to Indian Ocean is not that easy like what we think. Maybe people in front the TV will just scold and said: " Why you still can't find the missing flight MH370? So many country are helping! Useless shit!" But things were not as easy as what we think. Everyone hopes the people on the flight will be save. No one wants this to happen. 

Still waiting for further news and info tomorrow. 

Good Night! :') 


  1. i agree with that .. they just annouce that they are dead.. but still cant find the body,they just found the piece of the MH370..

    1. yeah..! very upset for the families. I hope the plane n black box will de find soon. at least the families will really know everything :(


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