Saturday, March 22, 2014

SPM Result Day!

Yesterday was SPM result day! A very important day for students that sat for SPM 2013.

I didn't had any insomnia the day before I went to get my result. I think I had did my best on my SPM, no regret! I only felt excited and can't wait to know what I'm going to get. I am so afraid that my Account, Economy and my Moral will ruin my result. I don't have any confident with these 3 subjects at all, because...
1. I don't even get an A or B before.
2. Moral changed the format last minutes
3. My Additional Maths never over 55% before.. Most high is 53% only on my form 4 final exam.
4. My Economy is sucks on essays. I just missed up the answers. They got confusing answers.
5. I thought I will only get an Credit and above on these 3 subjects.

At the end, it turn up.. Moral A, Additional Maths B and Economy A. Totally unbelievable.

Subjects that I think I will be okay became not so okay. Like my BM =.='
But can't do anything again. So just accept the fact. Happy for myself actually, the result was much better than what I had expected. I thought I will just get a 5As maybe? Thank God! Everything I had do and never do on form 5 are really worth it after all.

Still need to say Thank you to Mr. Bryan Chandran! He was like my Grandfather and Father on those days. Cheered me up, Woke me up, Scolded me of course. I am not a very smart student but not stupid. I am on the middle. In that few months before SPM, I really think to give up. Seriously. Sometimes I felt like crying while I am studying alone in the room. I can say that isn't a good memory. A bad one. For 17th years long, that time i can really feel stress, stress to the max.
I forced myself to do something I don't like at all, but for a better result, a better university and better job opportunity. I knew I really need to do something, not for anyone but for me.

Now I finally did it! Everything is worth it! Words can't described my feeling. What I had scarified are 100 times worth it.

" Happiness can't buy with money! "  


  1. congratulation ya! at least you try your best already^^ ohya mind visit my blog back also ( )
    thanksya ~have a nice dayyyyyyyyy!

    1. thank you so much!! And thank for visited my blog too! will visit you ! :D


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