Monday, April 11, 2011

last 2 period :P

before school de last 2 period 
sat with the helmet gang :P
actually i sat there because of the FAN!! 
haha... i am hot >.<

today learn too many stupid things from them 
the topic today is " STEAM"
-.-!! suck topic 

actually is does really funny at the beginning
suddenly wei lian said 
" my tutor said that, boy there longer then the girl will very hang fok"

after he said that the whole gang at the back were laughing madly 
Cikgu Lena teaching Math there and scolded us!! XD

then kar hang said
" walao!! then i want everyday must pull xia there lo!!"
bryan said
" hahaha... everyday 1cm also enough XDDD"

i laughed until stomach also pain LOL!!
a while later stopped laughing 
i asked
" want so long for what la, yer!!"
kar hang answer freaking bian tai things 
18+ hahaha 
what do until very shuang @@

no wonder will had this kind of gang la 
named as " Helmet Family"
Semua pun BIAN TAI geh XDD

heavy rain today
asleep on the sofa 
open the glass door 
syok lo!!... damn cold :DD 
natural air-con 
hehe too cold wearing jacket
my parents thought i get sick XD

come on!!
i am pick of health

time to sleep!!
night to everyone 

have a nice day! 

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