Saturday, April 16, 2011

鬼也笑!! XDD

today morning went to watch Ghost MustBe Crazy

starting kept on laughed non-stop
ke siiao liao laugh dou 

walao yeh the soldier that part is the 1st part 
beginning seii laugh until part 2 only stopped 
sibeh funny 
1st time watched ghost movie laugh until so sot 

part 2 sienz de 
but also ok la a bit funny not like the part 1 

today going with 
-poh leng -
tat meng
-fatt choi
-zi shan
-li cheng 
-li yoong 
- and 1 girl facebook call luii luii de 
lol i don't know what's her name 

we sat at the most back that sit 
most fei cai also we all that roll
semua laugh dou chi sin liao

nice movie! 
never check IC 
only horrible ba liao 
no porn de la 

if 3D more nice! :D

had nice movie today hehe

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