Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's ??

today the 1st person play me is.... 
[[ sze yoong]] 
haha... my lou po!! :D

the 2nd is ....
[[ chen hooi]]
my lou gong~!! XD

must geng is chen hooi@@
she said my lou po got urgent things to find me
asked me to call her
then i mai fast fast call lo
but then she tell me 
" cui... actually she din ask me to call you. APRIL FOOL!!!"

i also sot liao
XD... nvm la... fun also ^^

go for badminton macam tiada pergi ==
go a while then they had to training no count liao 
go McD talk 
go back school with taxi
saw my dear :DD

today everyone like not really happy also :((
i hate april fool's damn much!! 
lucky today my class no people me :DDD

aiya.... last work for today is

thats all for today :)
 tomorrow going out!! 
weeh happy ^^

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