Saturday, April 9, 2011

最熟悉的陌生人 :))

today after school E-box!! :DD

3 sakai pergi together 
my bro: tat meng
my darling: poh leng
last is Me
haha... very very funny lo~
stand with them a
me like primary school de student XP

when to tat meng house
me n poh leng sit at there only
wait tat meng bath

most funny tat meng shout a
" oiii!!! 不见了的??!!!"
thought got what @@
he thought he RM175 de Adidas bag hilang
me and poh leng was -.-''
go die la XD

cheong K
i sang 1st hehe...
they ask me to sing
very funny de lo
i sang 最熟悉的陌生人
they said many thing very funny XD
爱笑的眼睛most die :P
they 2 very funny lo~
tat meng still said listen dao so Lam @@

i still felt at time at pavilion there sing that 1 most nice
hahaha... that day got go de will know XD
the song de pitch must sing dao very high de
only that time

went go back damn funny lo!
my bus behind the taxi
tat meng ask me go down then went up the bus
i went up the bus
the uncle look at me sot liao

anyway had fun today :DD!!
they are my best friend
tat meng went out with us he macam tai gor XD
sibeh tall @@

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