Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Not Well Day....

today morning woke up tuition 
~damn tired~
the teacher still want talk talk talk...~.~

went back home
cant't stand it already
lay on the bed sleep
sleep until 2 something only woke
like no energy

my dad i also can't tahan him already
 while i am sleeping...
he kept ask me
" you today got go tuition a not?"
"you what happen, sick a?"
kept asking for the same thing while i am sleeping
i also mong char char
something answer him no tuition 
than answer got tuition
i also don't know what i saying...haha
i say i nothing la, i wanted to sleep only
than he thought me sick
sick i also won't answer la... want die already lo where come energy~

wake when 2 something eat my first meal
go tuition didn't eat
eat already play sdo with lou gong zai
pui her play, cause i also sienz

play until 7 something
went out have dinner, my second meal
now started to sick sick already
my burning damn hot....>.<''
want pengsan like that
no appetite to eat
even porridge small 1 i also can't eat until half bowl 
but in car open air-con i felt cold

i going to sick already la
alway exam like that very fan a!!!

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