Friday, October 22, 2010

what a bad lucky day

second day of exam
today had English & Sivik exam

today English i got confidence i can did well this time
quite easy
haha... last minute only study de neh~
last night just doing project busy this busy that
lucky is English so no need study...^^
haha.. Sivik so pro....  behind  all luan luan lai~
no answer to choose de all never do
i don't care also..XD

when the last period damn lucky man~
teacher ask me go behind
my phone just at the side of my leg
when walk to the back i just out my phone under the test pad
when sit down put on my leg covered with the teat pad
teacher walk front than fast fast keep in poket
so sweat~.~

gek sei me!!
why suddenly got a stupid bic stop in front of me geh??!!
make me slightly going to fall
no fall also hurt my leg already la....>.<''
miie miie thought i fall fast fast ask me what happen
thanks for care a miie... i love you..xixi^^
babes a.. aiyo~ go touch my wound there
already very pain la.. got blood already she still go touch...XD
shout until a... tak boleh tahan cry a...
it never stop wei jun saw i hurt stil bully me
wanted to press the place i hurt
what la him..."so kind"!!

today also don't know step what dog shit a!!

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