Wednesday, October 20, 2010


todayis much more a bit better than yesterday
but... still not really good that one

at least today no need to take taxi again lo

today reach school 
damn sienz
waiting for babes come

i thought today he didn't come
cause sick but he said that he was recover so can came

now started to thinking about after where should i go to
haiz... 3 thing all same
i also don't know how to choose
but i prefer more people go together lo
shuang a bit and fun also
go out must got my friend go
if not i don't want go adi
will very sienz de.... i try before....

tomorrow exam already 
no stress... take it easy^^
but i will workhard on this
especially on science
what also can die onl science can't
must A!!... i will put all my effort
year-end exam a bit scare scare~~

sleep at the class at the last peroid
damn tired man~~
i wanted sleep already than my friends said 
go back home 
....then wake lu...

just wish that nothing will be happening anymore
so that i can do better on the exam no need to think about other things

tomorrow BM gambateh la.
Moral also

dear and babes and lou gong zai and so so so so so so lou jia you a...C=

~Smile Alway~

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