Sunday, September 19, 2010

Balik Kampung....^^

kampung de house


Just playing....keke

today about 9.30 like this wake
get prepared and had my breakfast
wait uncle came and fetch us go back Malacca

we set off at 11 something
HAIZ~~ my brother so fat me n my cousin sister also not that fat de la
he still nt enough place to sit...><'''
4 people sat at the back of the car, the car still want CRV
enough big de la... still not enough, so fat!!!
took about 1 hour like this reach Malacca
quite boring sat at the car there and so uncomfortable
still dare to fight with me... fat jiu fat la!!! still say thin than me ><''

Reached at Jasin, Malacca my kampung
saw grandfather and grandmother...^^

Walao... Malacca damn hot!!!
follow cousin sister go buy ice-cream lu~~
buy things also wan go until so far....><''
so sienz a~~ only can play hand phone

lunch eat vegetarian... Nice neh!!
all sat together and eat...^^
after eat went to see grandmother small farm
got banana, got coconut, got a lot vegetable
garandmother cut down the banana...So big bunch of banana....O.o

dinner went out to eat
so full o~~
mummy pay this time
after finish the dinner then we all went back to K.L
1 day trip to Malacca...hehexX

about 8 something xiiao taa sms me o!!
few days went to holiday de xiiao taa..shuang lo~~
love you lo.... buy something for me
somemore is my favourite o!!!
don't know want say how many Thank You....
THANK YOU... xiiao taa

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