Tuesday, September 7, 2010


♥Today had a wonderful day♥

although today had to rush up at 8 in the morning
but i never felt tired at all
9.30 started my tuition
forget eat my breakfast
but lucky didn't had a gastric

came back home just like a hungry ghost....XD
fast fast go find things to eat
i'm just like a silly girl and forgetful girl
mum always scolded me the same things
so wish someone can always remind and help me
don't know why i will very care about small things and forgot important things
i think you will be laughing at me
but i will always remember my sweet hearts' birthday and important dates

cheer up Mii....^^
be back good with dad
a lot better than yesterday
and i had a fulfill dinner
went to OUG there eat

kindna happy mood today
wish 365 or 366 days of Mii will be all happy just like today
but i think that is impossible
no disappointed won't improve
i always belief that
i started belief this since when i'm standard 6

i belief it now, future and forever
cause i knew that i'm not as genius as others
so i have to put more effort
Thats why i alway wanted a good result

小米wants study well
Year-end exam

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