Friday, September 3, 2010

Now i only release i can be alone....

actually today lazy go school
today can say is never study
only study for 1 period only

today go ajimal yam cha with
david, boh chu and lou gong zaii
~so funny a~
lou gong zaii see everything of my handphone
but i don't care de, cos he my lou gong zaii
this time david belanja
haha... no need fight for pay money jor...XD

so many boys surrounding me when going back school
before when back david gave me RM10 too buy thing i want
but i gave him back...

so wish today never came to school i hate today
i never came to school than no need saw until the person that beh song
actually i don't know started from when i already get used to be alone
for me, alone already like a part of my life
it just like my habit

today whole day play phone at class
pengawas don't care when they saw me play
sms with 9700...XD
No PJK, then when down to dewan there
sit with lou dou and chat with with him
sienz dao baoo~~~~
today didn't come mai good lo
no need so gek!!!

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