Thursday, June 16, 2011

not good :P

today is the 1st time i slept while having Maths class
i am just tired 
cause that time haven took my breakfast 

vegetarian for my breakfast + recess
it's damn yumlicious then the canteen food 
haha siau lam also like it already 
i feed her some of it 
she asked me to da bao for her too :))
nice isit? hehe

had my lisan today 
why was i kept on laughing that time?
teacher was like pekak - -!!
i am talking so loud already 
my topic is 
"remaja melarikan diri dari rumah"
teacher laugh again O.o?
X! is --> remaja melari diri dari rumah 
funny topic lo XP
next time i lari rumah lol

i will very jian chi on that :D
never change my song >.<
tomorrow going to decide our place by lot
hope that i won't be too front 
i'm afraid :O

don't have time 
busy every time 
but my voice like toad man 
i cough i flu 
it's not good for me 
i need back my original voice 
fast recover please T.T

to tuition then :) 

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