Thursday, March 10, 2011

Outing and A promise....!!

after school me and my cute friends went to DBKL
we went there for project

running up and down
1st we went to Majid India to haven our lunch
after that went to DBKL took photo and got borang
but then the worker there asked us went to the library get the maklumat
then walk there... on the way took a lot photos 
having fun all along the way

reached there we finding something about DBKL
then photostat it.... so expensive@@
we just waiting, and playing Wi-Fi at there only....haha
5.30 go back lu...Raining!! O.O

stupid LRT!! hate Majid India's LRT station
buy ticket also ma fan guo ren =.=''

when back home macam lembik
no energy liao
leg very pain again ARH!!!
holiday must to titar again
huh...!! nevermind >.<''

i don't want you to leave TT
really really really damn really wish that tomorrow everything will be fine
if u leave me then no people will care and love me anymore TT
i just want you

if anything happen....
if we really end....
i will really never want other boy anymore
cause i only want you

i promise....
no matter where you are
no matter how are you
no matter what happen 
i will always be with you
and never leave you

i will always wait you 
as long as you are alive

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