Friday, March 25, 2011

a little hope :)

i know i am not the perfect one for you
i know i am not the best in the world
i know sometimes i am rude
i know i am not pretty
i know i am like a boy
i know...

i don't have smooth hair
i don't have V face-shaped
i don't have fair skin
i don't have sexy lips
i don't have slim body and tall height
i don't have....

i know i doing my best
i know i trying to change
i know i will be patient
i know i can do it
i know i will wait until that time

i have a heart to look
i have the time to wait
i have the energy to face
i have the pure heart the stand kindly

although i am not perfect for you
but i will try to be the best for you

although i am not pretty
but i will still smile always

although i am rude
but i will change to be smooth

although i am like a boy
but because you i become very girl

i am not the best, but i am special

do you know?

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