Wednesday, March 16, 2011

my dumppy wednesday!!

actually today i slept over time
but then suddenly my "sweet" ringtone ring!
frighten me and woke up -.-''
mum on call then
told me that my brother's "lai ba" will come to fix up the light
so had to woke up early and WAIT -0-zzZ

actually already late 
because going to Mr.yip's house today
but then he called me late a bit only go 

when up a wrong taxi @@!!
 i also don't know which 1 is the correct 1
suddenly too many taxi came then went up 
what for the person so early asked me went down leh~
then so long only reached there 
when i go already only reached my house -.-''

reached Mr.yip's house 
dump me standing stupidly at the corner XD
then suddenly he said " door also never look."
huh... damn cool~.~
hahaha.... just silly :D

Toby!! Mr.yip's brother, he just a cute puppy LoLx
jumping up and down is what he do everyday, i think hahaha

went out from toilet
never saw him 
then look down the living room lo
walao yeh!! hakk dou me
he sat at the stairs that in front of me
i can't saw him -.-''
Mr.yip black black and then never on light
suddenly saw got people smile( actually i thought was ghost -.-!!)XD
only i saw him-.-'' LOLx

have a good nap and Mr.yip went to play his computer 

woke up!!
frighten my Mr.yip 
hahaha.... maybe he thinks that was his brother or who la~
cause i went down very quiet and Toby also silent 
point at Toby "shh~" ask him stay still 
lolx stupig right?...XD
anyway sorry for making him so scare

when in kitchen
cooking Maggie 
thought he was hungry 
but then ask me to eat 
he really take care me lo
scare me gastric 
but then I'm full and never finish what he cook for me
i always waste food -.-''
sat beside kept on sang LOLx
purposely make me laugh de lo XD

lala.... bath~!
use 20sen to open my door@@!!
but he never do it XD

 i next time don't bring wallet already 
-.-'' chong huai your girl  >.<''

miss today a lot :D
thank for giving me a happy day!! 
Love You My Boy... hehe!!

i less then 3 you = i <3 you 

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