Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Brand New Days ◕ ‿ ◕

woke up kinda early today
11am... automatically will wake
always expect that i could sleep more on weekend
but now i can't

a new day!
the 2nd day that my leg goin recover
but then still got just a bit pain 
to let my leg rest and fast recover
must be pig...XD
never walk to much and never walk too long
so sleep and laying on sofa a whole day!

keeping a lot money $$ on last month 
but spending a lot $$ on this month
always like this de wor!!! >.<
-buy books for school use
-friends and dad birthday
-buy new school shoes
 spends RM100 something
use more then keep!
next month keep back the $$
good for diet also....XD
never eat too much

just now saw this...nice 
affordable price...XD
just RM30 hahaha
haha... later ask mum help me order!! :D
can't wait to have it... scare no store only TT

i think thats all i think to say

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