Sunday, March 20, 2011

mushi mushi!!


hahha... 2 days never update liao!
this 2 days never chat with kar rao
arh!! miss her :D

afternoon 2pm went to BoBo's birthday party
playing until 11.40pm only reached home 
haha.. dad and mum all sleep 
having super damn freaking FUN!!! 
this is the 1st time i playing Truth or Dare so fun
playing with all " KAKI GILA" 
ke siiao... haha actually we just playing Dare
don't know where they get those stupid idea
most funniest were tat meng and kar chun!! 
wah damn lo!! @@
laughing not stop!! 
hahaha... not to tell to much
shh~ secret!! XD

This was my 2nd Date with My Girl....XD

haha... actually she was my best friend seen standard 6
she is cute and pretty right?

me going with 2 body guards XD
just joke... with david( my son), yong kian( my best friend, from standard 1)

slept over time@@
i went to off my alam clock -.-''
so 12.30pm me n my girl girl reached 

went to buy a cup of Chocolate-Cream Chip
yeah!! i love it with cream cream 
always drink this at Starbucks

lala.... walking around 
feeling to buy slipper 
NO!! T.S shoes not nice!

Changed!... 2nd. SUNGAI WANG
actually got 1 kinda nice
but after 2 second i told my girl " don't want la, not nice!"
i think she sure felt = -.-''
hahaha...i told her i really yim jin buying shoes
not nice geh i don't even take on my hand XD
if the thing on my hand over 10 second then i really like it 
feeling myself very ma fan also...LoL
so that what i am :D

Changed again!... 3rd. Pavilion
1st shop i went in is the shop beside Adidas outlet 1 
Stadium bla bla...( forget what XD)
i go see my dream shoes.... Vans kvd
cheh only got 3 pair not nice de~ 
i want the cherry and yellow colour d!! >.<
don't care. Flip-Flops i saw it! 
38-ing ask my girl.... "nice a??"
brought my 1st ipanema 
lol... i choose that 1 damn cheap! XD got discount 
don't care i love it then can~

finally i brought my shoes 
everyone was free now! XD
my girl and the boys quite cham following me buy flip-flops
hahaha... walking 3 shopping centre

time to going home!!
gathering with relatives....XD 
but i feeling to sleep~

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