Tuesday, March 15, 2011

free for fun!! :)

seem this holiday was TOO bored
now is the time to have fun!! :D

Everyone knows i'm i hyper happy girl.. XD
want me staying at the house whole week doing nothing is
= Impossible =

feeling to go out with my beloved panda, kar rao, babe and all my buddies
there are too much of them XD

feeling to go sunway lagoon
no time
my "schedule" full
Tues, wed, Thurs : tuition
Thurs: dad birthday
Friday: zi shan's birthday party
sat: going out with my beloved panda
sun: anti outing, last day to rest

huh... damn tight~
thought that my domo bag will be arrive very soon
but then have to wait till start school
so never mind la

i also don't why de...
having school then think to holiday
having holiday then think to have school

i think this year a lot outing will be cut down Y.Y
1. Tuition
Last. EXAM!

bla bla bla... my reason to my mum all EXAM~
a lot holiday oversea i all can't go >.<''

gonna GILA staying at the house

time to do my homework>.

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