Saturday, March 12, 2011

muscle pain!! gossh!! @@

woke very early 8.30am@@
muscle pain dao want die 
 leg and right hand macam want patah

never mind i can tahan pain
just few day will recover de la

accompany mum to acupuncture at maluri
then go hang kaii
original price: RM178

lol lol!!...XD

brought my Polo Club watch
arhahaha.... so Nice!! :)

at ti:zed brought a bag also
mum said look weird but for me casual and nice

brought brother to make his badminton racket
saw a leng zaii macam girl~!!
he never talk really like girl
his eyes damn big@@
but very girl and leng zaii la...XD
i turn back i keep laugh and told my mum
hahahaaha.... ke siiao -.-''

gosh! stupid mosquito bite me >.<''

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