Monday, July 11, 2011


this Saturday going to 35th Bon Odori 2011.
i think i will have a lot on that day :D!!

Anyone going there on that day?
hope to see ya!! hehe

after assembly, we had Cerama about Science( electricity)
1 hour only talked the Ohm's Law - -!
but i know more about the calculation
anyway... I Love Science a lot, so that's not a problem for me 

: : honey not delivery today: : 

i brought a lot food for today
*avoid hungry + sleepy*

being a student in 3 Kiara is nothing best then that.
1st : Spot Check always forget us 
2nd: bring phone some teacher saw also nothing 1 la. 
3rd : eating in class no wrong! ( for Puan Hazira & Encik Othman classes)
4th : sleeping also less subject teacher will scold except. Cik Cheng ( suck teacher!)
5th : 1 floor down to the canteen. we always go to canteen buy food at the 8 or 9 period.

friends in Kiara damn nice! cause we always do things together.

went home 1st thing i did was sleep -0-zzZ
until 5pm only woke up.
too sleepy

forgot to bring my Sterpsils to school
worst day...
had sore throat again. ftw!

what's wrong today?
why was the sky full of HAZE?!
hard to breath + Sore throat + Flu + Sneezing

sneezing non-stop
stop here! ><

I am  not  well today!
don't want sick! 
where are my doctors ? 

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