Thursday, July 7, 2011

cheer up girl :D

tomorrow gonna face what problem? don't know
just hope it won't be like today...

today not really happy...
never slept well too
maybe i really had to much things to think.

saw friend was sad today, cry until the eyes bengkak.
haiz... i told her many times, advice her many times don't be mad for him.
but she so trusted him, even he did so evil things to her.
until today she told me how much she hates him.
some more told me she don't feeling to eat - -! scolded her again!

no use to fight with her stomach, right?
because of this kind f*cking boy a like this not worth la.
treat him like gold, he treat you like shit.
treat ownself better la girl :)
finally she ate! YEAH! ^^

no live show today XD
haha seem yesterday you had the live show already
so... today no need la. hahaha

words of the day:
forgiving someone is not hard, but forgetting someone is not easy.


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