Thursday, March 31, 2011

our future XP

today last few period don't have teacher
whole gang "helmet Family" push the table together
we sat together talking fei hua XD
topic is " OUR FUTURE"
sure many people laugh one hahaha~

talk about after form 5 (18 years old)
cui : i after finish form 5 100% go out stay!! rent house 
xiao ling: oii!! high 5... me also!! XD
(5 second later)
xiao ling: ehh!! stay with me cannot bring BF come house.
cui: -.-''... want you say meh, i go BF house stay la. hahaha
xiao ling: ya hor! XD me also~

(collage life)
cui: after form 5 i wish to take medical ^^
xiao ling: i want account
cui: oii helmet lian.. what you want to be??
wei lian: don't know o.
cui: -.-'' go sapu lantai la you.

(after collage)
xiao ling: i want marry before 25 got baby on 26
cui: wtf??... so fast think dou baby -.-''.... should got honey moon 1st!! XD
wei lian: you 2 a.. good la. me leh the only son cham dao~
cui: ya wor... next time you marry liao had to take care 3 people hor~
wei lian: ya la... dad mum and wife -.-''... got baby more die
xiao ling: haha like me still got other 4 sister XD
cui: good lo~
xiao ling: i want my BF must the age bigger then me 1. 
but now my BF smaller then me 6 months, i a bit beh song
cui: go die la you... so care for what o?? beh song then want how?
me mai also small then me, nothing 1 ma.
wei lian: i think i want 27 or 28 only marry better.
xiao ling: wah!! so old only marry??@@
cui: cheh boy nothing de ma. they always find de GF also smaller then them de la
xiao ling: but see a bla bla... your son 20 you adi almost 50 lo.
wei lian: nothing de la... important must earn money only marry.
no money no nothing marry gao bi meh. 
cui : oii helmet!! agree!! XD i also like this think leh~ 
ya lo earn money already go travel here and there only think baby la

(be mum and dad)
xiao ling: i want 2 children enough 
cui: me a?... don't know XP
wei lian: 1 enough lo!! too many i pokai, have to take care 4 people die X.X
xiao ling: haha... ya lo too many very noisy.
cui: en lo XD 

(stupid things)
cui: wei lian, next time your son ask you " daddy why your "there
so big? what you say?" hahaha
wei lian: LOL!!! tell him next time big liao then will know la
cui: kar hang leh??
hang: i will say because my 1 stronger then yours!!
cui: hao xin la!! stronger to shoot " bullet" la.
hang: haha or tell him to do with his mum!! 
cui: za dao!! -.-'' bian tai dao sii

our future was damn stupid XD

haha that's all :DD

smile always :D

i am sad today
but i don't want you too sad also

everything will be all right :)
i promise that i will never leave then i will do it !! 
trust me ba! ;D
i am fine and nothing ya

i know it really make you sad also 
but try to be happy because me
do it for me can?

don't blame yourself
it not your wrong 
me also got wrong de
so don't feel sorry

smile always ya!! :D
i love to see your smile!!! show me hehe

chill!!! ^^

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

GRR... Today Too Tired -0-zzZ!!!

alarm ring many times i also can't heard 
until 5.45 only i woke up @@
too tired....

bath already tie my hair
my father came to fuck me >.<
said what today today what time back what what...
 asked me wash the shirt==!!

no mood then father can like that 
huh... if me like that scold me already lo XP

don't care la....
actually wanted to go for badminton geh
father scold a-.-''
then don't want go lo...>.<
open mouth close mouth then TMD!! 
what o??... simply scold people sucker TT

reached school
everyone asked me "cui ling! what surprise o?" 
i macam mong cha cha :" har?... orh he buy me shoes lo."
XDD... i am still dreaming 
walao yeh~... tired dao a!! 
i feeling to sleep~!!
when having science class was most funny 1.
i and siau lam really feeling to sleep 
me leh most good cause in front of me is a 肥仔 XD
cover me... i sleep on table... 
siau lam leh kept on tahan to open her eyes@@!!
 me more funny! i sat at the stool... slightly fall down!
hahaha... keep on looked at clock 
looking at teacher like listening hypnosis song -0-zzZ

whole day feeling 

thats all bye :D

no one will know how SHOCK AM I!! :D

pig!! slept over time again -0-zzZ

today going to pavilion!! weeh~
shock betul!
damn freaking happy!! XD

okey 1st thing 
we 1 big gang took LRT to hang tuah and took taxi to Pavilion
we go Red Box+ 
damn shuang!! the buffet was nice and semua orang gila gila together
actually i never really ate alot cause feeling damn full XD
damn happy i love him he gave me a big surprise!!

after that we go watch movie 
"sucker punch"
to tell everyone who think to see this!! 
please change your mind to see other one
this movie is SUCK XP 
don't really understand what it showing about -.-''

7 something 
me, nigel and poh leng went to eat Japanese buffet
actually this is my 1st time to eat Japanese buffet -.-''
don't really know to eat what XD
nevermind what i know i the Very Nice geh ice-kacang damn delicious!! 
the dolly fish also not bad :D

went back with a HAPPY MOOD!! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011


ate my dinner :(

before dinner chat with chun yu -.-''

he said very straight 
but i also know lo

i am fat -.-''
thanks for telling cause i also know

me n kar pig... smile!!! :D

this is me!! cui ling

this is kar rao!!

look similar??
haha... cute isit? XP

when i open kar rao FB profile....
my mum ask me
" eh, you put your girl girl picture a??"
haha... i was laughing told her that wasn't me la

she@@!! "macam you last~!"
also smile like this... hahaha!!! 

nevermind~... we are cute when we are small!! 

i miss this smile!! :D
smile it natural... no worries no nothing
smile what ever i want!! T.T miss it cute
bye la~!!


chees!! :)

tomorrow i going to pavilion with buddies!! 
hopefully i will be happy for it :)

i think i will laughing non-stop for sure 
because tat meng and nigel mouth~ XD
always say about funny things haha

going to watch movie with them too! :D
don't know going to watch what 
nigel takes decision 

i am getting so cool
do i change a lot?
yes i am... 

not long later i had to study already
study is the best way not to think so much  :)

my hope now is...
wish the shoes haven been sold >.<
i going to buy you!! T.T
others to me... i don't care liao~ not important

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Macbook! iPod! Dr.Dre! Purple Nike! :)))

Du Du~ !!

haha today woke up then had to go out la! :)
followed mum to The Mines

never think to buy anythings
just walking around

i actually no mood to shopping also
but don't want stay at home then go ba

went in the a awesome shop!
I LOVE IT!!! wu~
1st thing i saw is the Macbook Air @@
2nd thing i saw is the ipod nano and ipod
3rd thing i saw is the black and the white Dr.Dre beasts
hahaha all this i played
macbook.. at zi shan house play liao so okok la~ cool!!
ipod... nothing to play 1
dr.dre is damn awesome!! i stand there kept listen song
i open until Max... mum shout me to go i can't even heard a thing
XD... she came n beat me only i know
my brother also listening with me using dr.dre XDD
damn nice!!

today my brother sibeh good!! @@
i belanja me pearl milk tea :D
ate Takoyaki... YUMMY!!

whole day i just feeling to be silents...

went in to the Nike shop also not excited like last time
cause in only want the PURPLE NIKE!!!
other 1 not nice>.

i tall liao!! XDD
damn happy i go try on the measuring thing~

XP... bye~

Friday, March 25, 2011

today post no title...

no mood also -.-

when to badminton today

resting alone
but still feeling my heart was cool 

" you don't have right to know."
my mind just kept on flashing this sentence
even i am playing badminton very excited

i hate it! F**K
why was i thinking this?

and sorry for making Mr.Nigel sad too
really sorry... i don't means to 

the end... bye.

a little hope :)

i know i am not the perfect one for you
i know i am not the best in the world
i know sometimes i am rude
i know i am not pretty
i know i am like a boy
i know...

i don't have smooth hair
i don't have V face-shaped
i don't have fair skin
i don't have sexy lips
i don't have slim body and tall height
i don't have....

i know i doing my best
i know i trying to change
i know i will be patient
i know i can do it
i know i will wait until that time

i have a heart to look
i have the time to wait
i have the energy to face
i have the pure heart the stand kindly

although i am not perfect for you
but i will try to be the best for you

although i am not pretty
but i will still smile always

although i am rude
but i will change to be smooth

although i am like a boy
but because you i become very girl

i am not the best, but i am special

do you know?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Little Disappointed...But I'm Fine :)

actually... hmm....
i heard what poh leng told me something
today i am freaking disappointed :((

that time i speechless liao
my whole day mood was spoilt TT
Fine!! :(((
i will still smile for this day!! >.&lt;"

i know today in class i am fierce 
i am sorry for it
sorry for the rude
and thanks for you guys understands 

stay from now!!
i know what should i do!! >.&lt;"
poh leng and siau lam were right! i agree too...
maybe i'm really too good or too strong to stand everything

my besttie Kar Rao...told her a lot things too
but she advised me to be patient
don't wait until can't stand only tell!! 
but Rao... i really don't know how to tell TT
scare... it will make it feel controlling >.&lt;''
what should i do??? 

haiz... i should cold down first, isit??

but when i think until what poh leng and my other friends said
i am not angry, but i am just disappointed and sad :((

this.... no one can help me...

feeling to say... :D

this few days night i sleep
everytime i close my eyes
sure i will just think of 1 thing
i always keep to have it >.
grr... wish can fast fast get it!!

lol...!! i told dav zaii zaii today
" Monday i wish to have it!!"
but... haiz....T-T
wait ba wait ba~... keeping $$
don't want anyone to pay it for me!!
this is a warning!! XD

yesterday gave the stupid Margret scold
i don't how i draw the electric ma~.~
huh... Orang Gila>.<''
no wonder no people want her XD
we kept she her come P then don't come school teach la
haha... we are bad right?

lol... you are very funny hor~
piggy!! XP

yeah!! next Monday badminton gang going out then!!
:D we going to rock at pavilion red box plus
hahaha... but actually my wish is to get that thing only :)

nevermind... just to be patient~
april i going to have it~
but.... :( scare other people will buy it 

1 day girlfriend?
i don't know.... :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

funny things! LOL

Kay!! i suddenly remember something funny

yesterday night i when to carefour cause mum wanted to buy something
then walked until the electronic department
i go take the steam iron to see
then my mum said: " eh u doing what??... "kan zhong" the steam iron a?
huh... don't want say is funny la or lame~

then reached home
my dad go hang the washed clothes
he shouted!! @@
" oii!! WONG CHEE MING!! you took your phone to wash a??!!"
then alot things...bla bla bla
the phone filling with water cause washing in the washer machines
started to scold!~

then just now went badminton with buddies!!
rawr!! the Nigel a~
OMG!! he macam salesman!! XDD
talk so geng... but damn funny la weii~

XP... i always said
"eh i taller then you!"
LOL!!... actually i'm shorter then him -.-''
then we will stand straight see who tall
memang he taller la XD

today i go changed my grip
saw back the gor gor quite geng ...
but macam girl... cause he go clip his hair when training XD
then saw 1 more. i go buy water, also the same 1 all go training at carefour de
the gor gor white like white chicken XD... but tall, yeng and damn geng @@
talk macam girl also -.-''
said RM2 also in a low voice hahaha

next monday no school!!
i am going out!!
i don't care! XD
with my badminton buddies! hehe
poh leng going i sure go
and others ke siiao kawan! haha

i meet her today!! WEEEH!!!

after school 
the first thing is to meet kar pig! hehe

met her at Oversea that mamak
her bf and xin yi also following today :D
and poh leng and tat meng also followed me went there 
poh leng and tat meng sat another table
then me sit with kar pig they all :D

her bf not bad ma!! very friendly leh Y^_<
xin yi also! very nice girl

this was my first time meet her and we had a nice talk
haha... first time meet then we chatting non-stop leh!! 

 she is same like me.. SCOTT hehe
actually we meet on the camp before :)

opps cant talk long
i had to go badminton then! :D
confirm next time i'll yam cha with her again! 

paii seh >.< 
today forget pay the maggie goreng
next time belanja back kar pig! hehe

Sunday, March 20, 2011

i ♥ the sole!! hehe

lalala!!!... i saw this yesterday!!
madly fall in love to this!!
ARH!! damn nice!!

i don't want dunk high now!! 
i just want this

OMG!! i love the sole man!!
hahahahaaha.... when i saw it i sot liao!!! 

KAY!!... i going to buy this!!

i saw it at TIME SQUARE!!
the shop all sell shoes
nike, converse, new balance
but i only love this!! 

ipanema ♥


hahaha... my flip-flops!! 
very yim jin geh me! brought this...XD

brought it back home...

show mum! :)

my mum ask: brought what shoes orh?"
me said: tal hai lai de la~"
mum look at the price...@@!! shock face
mum said: WALAO!!! RM39.90??!!
me said (cool): ya la ya la RM39.90 your head~ discount liao RM31.90
mum said: you a!! ( nothing to say XD)
me said: me what? like that la -.-''....miie very nice to wear de leh :D
mum said: HNG~... of cause nice to wear la. $$ more nice to wear
me: -.-''
until my dad! XP

brother said: daddy! see jie jie tal hai RM39.90!! 
dad said: @@... WHAT ARH?? 
me said: (very cute and smile) hehe!! 
dad said: laugh what har~ -.-''
me said: nice ma?
dad (took my shoes) said: wah! so heavy a your shoes!!
me -.-'' said: where got gold colour only ma~ 

ke siiao geh me keep band my flip-flops -.-''
macam nice to play XD

nevermind! nice 

mushi mushi!!


hahha... 2 days never update liao!
this 2 days never chat with kar rao
arh!! miss her :D

afternoon 2pm went to BoBo's birthday party
playing until 11.40pm only reached home 
haha.. dad and mum all sleep 
having super damn freaking FUN!!! 
this is the 1st time i playing Truth or Dare so fun
playing with all " KAKI GILA" 
ke siiao... haha actually we just playing Dare
don't know where they get those stupid idea
most funniest were tat meng and kar chun!! 
wah damn lo!! @@
laughing not stop!! 
hahaha... not to tell to much
shh~ secret!! XD

This was my 2nd Date with My Girl....XD

haha... actually she was my best friend seen standard 6
she is cute and pretty right?

me going with 2 body guards XD
just joke... with david( my son), yong kian( my best friend, from standard 1)

slept over time@@
i went to off my alam clock -.-''
so 12.30pm me n my girl girl reached 

went to buy a cup of Chocolate-Cream Chip
yeah!! i love it with cream cream 
always drink this at Starbucks

lala.... walking around 
feeling to buy slipper 
NO!! T.S shoes not nice!

Changed!... 2nd. SUNGAI WANG
actually got 1 kinda nice
but after 2 second i told my girl " don't want la, not nice!"
i think she sure felt = -.-''
hahaha...i told her i really yim jin buying shoes
not nice geh i don't even take on my hand XD
if the thing on my hand over 10 second then i really like it 
feeling myself very ma fan also...LoL
so that what i am :D

Changed again!... 3rd. Pavilion
1st shop i went in is the shop beside Adidas outlet 1 
Stadium bla bla...( forget what XD)
i go see my dream shoes.... Vans kvd
cheh only got 3 pair not nice de~ 
i want the cherry and yellow colour d!! >.<
don't care. Flip-Flops i saw it! 
38-ing ask my girl.... "nice a??"
brought my 1st ipanema 
lol... i choose that 1 damn cheap! XD got discount 
don't care i love it then can~

finally i brought my shoes 
everyone was free now! XD
my girl and the boys quite cham following me buy flip-flops
hahaha... walking 3 shopping centre

time to going home!!
gathering with relatives....XD 
but i feeling to sleep~

Friday, March 18, 2011

my besttie!! ❤

ok then!!
i so happy today!!
meet and share a lot with kar rao
what she facing was same like mine!!
wow this was awesome
really like her now
she is the 2nd one who can chat with me half day

we shared a lot funny memories
all about me and her boy
lol... damn freaking funny!! XD

we 2 are that kind of "man" girl
and our boy was that kind of " girlish" boy
hahaha... we are almost everything same!!
share a lot with her today
seem she also know my hubby haha
so she also know that he is a funny boy XP

what our boy do at school
what our boy do to us or make us
all this are mostly same!!
haha... laughing not stop while chatting with her

we 2 also have a BIG BABY!!
lmao!!... so cute man
what they like from small

hahaha... really hard to find such a bestie!!
what we had
what we do
what we share were same

by the way, going meet her and maybe with her beloved 1 on Monday
haha... can't wait then!!
asking my hubby to go, but then don't know u free anot?
cause he have tuition~

ILY kar pig !!

1st time call her like that
wished that she don't mind
cause is a cute name for her :D

I Should Know!! :)

(just like now my life is)
(last  time i do that to my boy)
(this what i always tell myself)
( Mr.yip see this a!! cause i always like this)
(my boy made it real)
-当别人开始说你是疯子的时候,你离成功就不远了 ……
(this is me)
( try never cry in front him, cause what i want is to see him smile)
( I AGREE!!)
( neh neh neh.... don't know who a??)
( hahaha i not mature but i am MAN then my boy only, he is girl haha)
( this is what i want!!)
( just like me already use to love my boy)
(this is want my boy means in my heart!! :D)
(hate this kind of F people)
(i can don't even wear it but i just want the true heart...)
( a bit lo... think back his pass... felt sorry)
( haha but i am lazy leh~)
(hahaha then i choose don't marry suan ba XD)
( like this!!)
(working hard)
( thats why girl love to take photo lo!! make them remember how handsome is their man)
(this is what i love my boy's smile)
( my buddy!!)
(like me lo MAN....XD don't like to tell out geh)
(let it go unhappy things....xiu xiu xiu!! )
(a bit love is enough for me :))
-天使之所以会飞,是因为她们把自己看得很轻 ……
(don't make everything too heavy for you)
(this is what love means to!)
(last time i always like this ==)
(Let Go Let GO!!.... everything will be better)
(hahaha... i am not pretty!!!)
(i think this is suit for my boy, cause he did it before) 
( LOL!!... what i always do at the class with my gang)
(hehe.... tell me ya. if i really make u feel like that.)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Weeh!! Dad's BigDay :)

Daddy's Big Day Today
haha... going to have my dinner
hahaha.... me and my brother going to pay the bill too~
lala.... it's ok.... as long as Dad happy lur~


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

my dumppy wednesday!!

actually today i slept over time
but then suddenly my "sweet" ringtone ring!
frighten me and woke up -.-''
mum on call then
told me that my brother's "lai ba" will come to fix up the light
so had to woke up early and WAIT -0-zzZ

actually already late 
because going to Mr.yip's house today
but then he called me late a bit only go 

when up a wrong taxi @@!!
 i also don't know which 1 is the correct 1
suddenly too many taxi came then went up 
what for the person so early asked me went down leh~
then so long only reached there 
when i go already only reached my house -.-''

reached Mr.yip's house 
dump me standing stupidly at the corner XD
then suddenly he said " door also never look."
huh... damn cool~.~
hahaha.... just silly :D

Toby!! Mr.yip's brother, he just a cute puppy LoLx
jumping up and down is what he do everyday, i think hahaha

went out from toilet
never saw him 
then look down the living room lo
walao yeh!! hakk dou me
he sat at the stairs that in front of me
i can't saw him -.-''
Mr.yip black black and then never on light
suddenly saw got people smile( actually i thought was ghost -.-!!)XD
only i saw him-.-'' LOLx

have a good nap and Mr.yip went to play his computer 

woke up!!
frighten my Mr.yip 
hahaha.... maybe he thinks that was his brother or who la~
cause i went down very quiet and Toby also silent 
point at Toby "shh~" ask him stay still 
lolx stupig right?...XD
anyway sorry for making him so scare

when in kitchen
cooking Maggie 
thought he was hungry 
but then ask me to eat 
he really take care me lo
scare me gastric 
but then I'm full and never finish what he cook for me
i always waste food -.-''
sat beside kept on sang LOLx
purposely make me laugh de lo XD

lala.... bath~!
use 20sen to open my door@@!!
but he never do it XD

 i next time don't bring wallet already 
-.-'' chong huai your girl  >.<''

miss today a lot :D
thank for giving me a happy day!! 
Love You My Boy... hehe!!

i less then 3 you = i <3 you 

staying alone at the home again....

at the home.... AGAIN!! 
nothing to do again.... haiz haiz haiz

before 12 wake
then bath
then computer, facebook and blogger
then until 4 tuition
come back nothing do again
do home work lo 
then on facebook AGAIN
then sleep

wth... boring life!! 
mum some more say don't let me go out this week
never care a!! 
friday and saturday going out 
leii tak kuii seii la
dad said can then can
transport i think ownself de la

haha... just now have n nice chat on facebook with kar rao
damn funny lo... like her a lot!!
she really same like me
topic about youth get baby early
we chat till damn funny
like her so much 

heard my mum said last time when she was just a child 
damn fun! not like us suck life
mum n dad said last time afternoon back from school 
bath already then can simply go out, here and there -.-''
not like us, trap in the house
after school then tuition then homework then sleep
what life is this orh... damn stress and boring
mum said last time no pencuri even the house door open BIG BIG
@@... now leh???... rogol KIDS also got -.-''

damn sienz la....
later going to sleep
facing the computer nothing do
only facebook and blogging

huh... sienz arh!!!!
bye bye~.~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

free for fun!! :)

seem this holiday was TOO bored
now is the time to have fun!! :D

Everyone knows i'm i hyper happy girl.. XD
want me staying at the house whole week doing nothing is
= Impossible =

feeling to go out with my beloved panda, kar rao, babe and all my buddies
there are too much of them XD

feeling to go sunway lagoon
no time
my "schedule" full
Tues, wed, Thurs : tuition
Thurs: dad birthday
Friday: zi shan's birthday party
sat: going out with my beloved panda
sun: anti outing, last day to rest

huh... damn tight~
thought that my domo bag will be arrive very soon
but then have to wait till start school
so never mind la

i also don't why de...
having school then think to holiday
having holiday then think to have school

i think this year a lot outing will be cut down Y.Y
1. Tuition
Last. EXAM!

bla bla bla... my reason to my mum all EXAM~
a lot holiday oversea i all can't go >.<''

gonna GILA staying at the house

time to do my homework>.

everyday for me is = BORING

this time holiday was BORED!!
even dad also ask me
" eh, cui ling this time never go out so good girl a?"
i was like -.-'' no people call go alone meh~
then only told him that this friday go zi shan's party
then he straight say okie

haiz... stupid de la
staying at the house 1 whole week
so shit lo... bored seii

open the computer whole day doing nothing
only chat with my dear only ok dian C:

3rd day of the holiday
make me freaking miss him already
how many days to go??
many!! >.<''

Mr.Yip damn miss you !!

Monday, March 14, 2011

time to diet!!... too fat!!

during this holiday!!
i want diet liao >.<''
too fat!!

never eat too much
but now also never really eat a lot
means 3 meal a day cut 1 meal 

Hate to see oily food
XP.... make people fat de

want kurus!!
go badminton with poh leng they all
hahahaa.... damn funny~... :D

I Want Slim!!
huh.... >.<

My Way Never End :D

just now went to Dataran Merdeka 
took this stupid picture
squat at the middle of the road
later car come...Bye Bye -.-''

At night the road will be block 
so only can squat, sit and even sleep...

my dream.... as width as this road
it will be never end no matter what :D

My Wonderful Dream ^^

Sunday, March 13, 2011

dump face XD

3 ɢɪʀʟ♥ʙᴜʟʟʏ 1 ʙᴏʏ

 just now saw my picture again
saw this!! i was laughing madly
looking at my own face
hahaha.... "buff" shoot him!!...XDDD
love♥ this picture so much
my 38 face.... suddenly feeling ownself in this picture was "cute"!!
hahaha.... ke siiao already LoLx... :D


no need sorry lah...
from the time that i told you the link
that time i already forgive you 

so don't say sorry again liao la
i nothing de
never mind :)
know you sekk me ba liao

maybe that time you really no mood 
so i also understand 
you don't mean it do that
just for my good 
although that time i really angry 
but pass already, so just let it go ba
don't want be stressful because this thing
so i choose to forgive
is a person that....
very hard to angry a person
but very easy to forgive a person

thats is who i am :)











Saturday, March 12, 2011

muscle pain!! gossh!! @@

woke very early 8.30am@@
muscle pain dao want die 
 leg and right hand macam want patah

never mind i can tahan pain
just few day will recover de la

accompany mum to acupuncture at maluri
then go hang kaii
original price: RM178

lol lol!!...XD

brought my Polo Club watch
arhahaha.... so Nice!! :)

at ti:zed brought a bag also
mum said look weird but for me casual and nice

brought brother to make his badminton racket
saw a leng zaii macam girl~!!
he never talk really like girl
his eyes damn big@@
but very girl and leng zaii la...XD
i turn back i keep laugh and told my mum
hahahaaha.... ke siiao -.-''

gosh! stupid mosquito bite me >.<''

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