Sunday, May 22, 2011

So Sick :(

so sick now :(

hate that feel GRR!!!
like wan die but it do not 

here pain there pain(body)
like wan sire throat 
very hard to breath also 
arh!! wan die faster die lo !! >.<
please don't sick T.T

hard to breath is because my Fat brother - -!!
he go put the powder on after bath 
still wan in put the powder in the changing room 
wth him! i freaking hate POWDER!! 
the stupid smelly! YUCKS! 
he still say WANGI-NYA.... - -! 
give him gek seii 
put until like scare people don't know he put powder 
haiz!! HATE POWDER!!! >.<

wtf lo! 
my Sejarah projek leave 2 page then i done 
but so bad is i don't have a printer :(
how i going to print it when the stationary shop had close 
tomorrow sure kena FU*K 99 

haiz... too many problem!! 
so shit a! 

so tired lately -0-
but no time to rest at all 

fine... i am still happy :) 
happy because had a fulfill Weekend 
Chill Girl!! :D

Everything will be Okie
Tomorrow will be GOOD! 
*just comforting ownself*

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