Friday, May 20, 2011


15 minutes more going to be 1am

i still haven sleep yet ~.~

today damn freaking tired don't know why
just feeling sleep sleep sleep!! 

no A this time T.T 
haiz... semua Cha Yi Dian 
i hate math paper 1 i tembak 14 questions 
i only correct 20 @@ 
but paper 2 i get 41 

science also >.<
paper 1:27 
paper 2: 43 
only 70!! 

other 1 no eye to see 
study more die than don't study - -!!
last time no study also can get 2 As
today my house there get wesak day car parade 
i didn't go XP
too bad 
need tuition 

by the way it's raining also 

i think i better go sleep 
if not tomorrow die!! >.<

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