Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jia Lat!!

today saw my SUCK result - -!
masuk 3 Kiara students my damn result is....

BM: 51 ( p1:19,p2: 52)
BI:64 (p1:29,p2:29)
BC:72 (p1: 23,p2: 49)
Math:61 (p1:20,p2:41)
so sad of this! haiz... i didn't finish paper 1, got half all tembak! T.T
SN: 70 (p1:27,p2: 43)
Geo: 50
SJ: 35 fail 
kns... make me Gagal!
KH: 57
SK: 33 + 29 projek+ 10 sasiah = 72
- -!... 72 AGAIN!
PM: 64 
- -! 1 mark more i C 
P.SENI: 70 (p1:15, p2:75)
paper 1 alah~ 15 min aku sudah habis
paper 2 very yong sam" draw 
to me this drawing = SHIT!
get No.19 in class 
i was NO.7 last time 
cause the SJ 
gagal already T.T

study more KNS then don't study - -!!

today i sleep again! XD
Pn.Jeenie teaching... i don't want listen 
the what literture 
i langsung tak faham 
teacher don't even say a thing 
wahaha cause she say also no use 
i got many reason 

somemore sleep until all go scince lab liao 
still don't know 
hahaha... lucky Bryan call me woke up

KAY! at science lab talking something about chapter 4 again!
Damn LAME!!

helmet a! whole gang at science lab say HAM YEH!
- -!!
wei lian: what why condom want flavour?
lmao! i answer him with a damn stupid answer :P

suddenly wei lian gf walk in front kar hang
kar hang shout... " EH! bao, 我们一起做吧!! "
lame dao! wei lian gonna kill him

me also don't know what happen de
i go ask bryan..."Bra! You got ask Sarah to Do before a?"
- -!! he keep laugh laugh laugh , but didn't say anything
wahaha!! sure got de la.... XD!

alah too what liao me!
chi sin go ask this kind of thing
hahaha!!! kar hang and me is the most ke siiao 1
kept on say say say... wei lian and Bra also beh tahan use liao

today also never call my name geh :P
cheh thought today gonna see penolong kenan
don't have also ~

Homework time! 
See Ya!!

Rao! we damn same! haha
damn funny!

Carrie, don't be sad ya!
everything will be okie babe!
give him time :))

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