Sunday, May 15, 2011


just check into kar rao blog 
aiyer yer damn sweet :))
Kar Rao and Kern Wei 
1 year couple 
happy for this 2 best friends ^^

what happening today?
erm... nothing special 

early in the morning 
mum went to buy 
long travel bus tickets 

where we going??
Hanoi, Thailand 
going when holiday 
4th May until 7th May 
4days 4 night
hopes it will be fun! 

hoping that mum will let me go Sunway 
i don't feeling to go school on Monday 

this time don't no got people following anot
no then good! XD
i want do what also can :P

but i feeling to go alone :P
but i think mum won't let if i told me i'm alone 
so said friends going! :D

thanks kar rao!! 
make me change my mind 
know what to do

thanks babe!! 

time to say

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