Tuesday, May 24, 2011

School X.x

 lately love to bath many many time @@
*waste water*
hahaha.... clean clean clean! 
i love my healthy hair 
hehe :D
 this my ji muii 
she's sitting beside me in the class 
she always being "Sampat" with me in class also XD
we share many secret too each other 
YO! she is funny also 
i become more "sampat" after sitting with her 

 the left one is: bobby... Tat meng's DOG! LMAO....XD
the right one is meng yuen, one of my sakai friend also

meng yuen came to school to do "part time job" XP
(teman sesi petang girlfriend recess only)

 Me and Meng Yuen 
what a stupid face(me)! XD

 we love to hug that lok" of qu"
see we are happy hugging it XDXDXD

like the smile meng yuen had 
like like like :D
he is a Little Girl 
raining out there XD
*in the dewan where got rain*
hahaha... holding my umbrella walked around the school 
he loves my umbrella so "much"
so funny but cute photo! 

almost 6.15 
kena scold by Pn.Veronica 
she saw me and siau lam wear short pants in the school 
tomorrow CB liao 
perhimpunan call out name 
i think! >.<

don't care la... whatever~

still like can't wait to see what gonna happen tomorrow 
betul ke siiao one wor me!
macam Proud sangat kena write name XD

stop here!
night everyone :D

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