Sunday, May 29, 2011

Toward Another Side Of Me...

today my dad coming back 
hope my mum will help me 
hahaha... i think will be nothing 

yesterday when to The Mines
actually i don't feeling to buy what

so mum go to see bags
sure i am following hahaha
saw something cute and nice
asked mum to buy for me 1st
she said cannot :(
asked me go Hatyai only buy - -!!

night went out saw a bag again really nice lo!
she said again
" go Hatyai only buy! If don't have only buy at here."
hahaha!! listen 1st~ [no only at here buy]

don't know what to buy for friend xP
see what nice lo hehe

felt myself really wasted a lot money
haiz... reject all outing from friends
but still can't tahan to buy things when going out with mum
some more mum won't pay for me again - -!!

i think i really had to study already
i don't want to get shit result on 3th of  August exam
the last Percubaan must work hard
just do it for myself :))

be a good girl
and sorry to my friends!
i reject you all because
i want save money
i want concentrate
i don't want my heart always feeling to go out

that's all.... sorry about it :P


i really hate my cousin and auntie now!
how can they do that!
i know my cousin got bf on fb put relationship i also never tell my mum
she so 38!!
some more show my auntie the picture
she is nothing same like my auntie
all loud speaker only!!

this time got what happen
i hate they 2 forever! >.<

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